Loops in Matlab + Multiple Plots

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Victor Buza
Victor Buza on 30 Jun 2011
Hi, I'm new to MATLAB, I have a piece of code that is working that takes computed currents of linear antennas and plots them, it looks like: (each antenna is divided into M pieces)
I1=abs(I(M+1:end,1)); z1=z(M+1:end,1);
I2=abs(I(M+1:end,2)); z2=z(M+1:end,2);
I3=abs(I(M+1:end,3)); z3=z(M+1:end,3); etc.
figure; plot(z1,I1,'.'); figure; plot(z2,I2,'.'); etc.
What I want to do is automate this for an arbitrary number of antennas. I have had several trials of the sort:
for j=1:N
I_(j)=abs(I(M+1:end,j)); z_(j)=z(M+1:end,j);
..or, I_j, or I(j) .. but as it became clear, I need to understand first what's going on in this (M+1:end,1) statement, and why do I get errors when I try any of the trial codes above.
1st type of error, for I_(j) and I(j)
??? In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.
Error in ==> VB_Array25 at 18 I_(j)=abs(I(M+1:end,j)); z_(j)=z(M+1:end,j);
2nd type is when I use I_j, it doesn't say anything about the for loop but when I try figure; plot(z_1,I_1,'.');
??? Undefined function or variable 'z_1'.
Error in ==> VB_Array25 at 29 figure; plot(z_1,I_1,'.');
Any help will be more than welcome. -----------------------------------------------------
What I basically want to do after this, is be able to make all plots of I(z) for an arbitrary number of antennas on one plot and I will appreciate any comments on this as well.

Accepted Answer

Matt Fig
Matt Fig on 30 Jun 2011
Use cell arrays.
for jj=1:N
Ic{jj} = abs(I(M+1:end,jj));
z{jj} = z(M+1:end,jj);
As for the (M+1:end,jj) statement, this just means to take the M+1 through last rows, and the jjth column. You might also want to take a look at the SUBPLOT function, rather than making all those figures.
Matt Fig
Matt Fig on 30 Jun 2011
I don't know where you got that idea. From the help for SUBPLOT (first line in fact) -
H = SUBPLOT(m,n,p), or SUBPLOT(mnp), breaks the Figure window
into an m-by-n matrix of small axes, selects the p-th axes for
the current plot, and returns the axis handle.
Did you read the help for SUBPLOT??
Victor Buza
Victor Buza on 30 Jun 2011
I am sorry, that was a stupid decision to look else than the help files, I swear I read somewhere that it does only 2x2. Thanks.

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