How to plot in cylindrical coordinates from a matrix.

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I have code that produces relative velocities at points on an helicopter aerofoil as it rotates. I have the relative velocities in a matrix with the radius changing with columns and the azimouth angle changing in the rows. I would like a coloured graph showing the velocity at every point. Below is the code that finds the matrix:
function [Vmat, amat] = relativecalcs (beta, U, w_g)
j = 1;
for (az = 0:(pi/16):2*pi)
i = 1;
for (r = rmin:0.05:rmax)
Vaz(i) = w_g*r + U*cos(az)*cos(beta);
Vh(i) = U*cos(az)*sin(beta);
V(i) = sqrt(Vaz(i)^2 + Vh(i)^2);
if Vaz(i)<0
V(i) = -1 * V(i);
alpha(i) = tan(Vh(i)/Vaz(i));
Vmat(j,i) = V(i);
amat(j,i) = alpha(i);
i = i + 1;
j = j + 1;

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