Extract the Text From the Color image and ADD smiley IN image

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i want to Extract the Text From the Color image and ADD smiley IN image
1. Remove words 'smschacha.com' 2. Add buhaha along with a smiley face below the good night and above smschacha.com
i am ADDING TEXT with this code:
X=imread('C:\Users\shakeel\Documents\MATLAB\DIP\PROECT FILES\dip project\Project_1.jpg');
t = text(.05,.1,'buhaha', 'FontSize',18, 'FontWeight','demi'); % Create and style the text in an axis:
F = getframe(gca,[10 10 200 200]); % Capture the text from the screen: close % Close the figure:
c = F.cdata(:,:,1); % Select any plane of the resulting RGB image:
[i,j] = find(c == 0) % Determine where the text was (black is 0):
ind = sub2ind(size(X),i+32,j+900); % Use the size of that image, plus the row/column locations of the text, to determine locations in the new image
X(ind) = uint8(255); % Index into new image, replacing pixels with white: imagesc(X) % Display and color the new image: colormap(bone)

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