I am working on a plot, with labels. Two questions: (1) how can I reduce the label to only 2 dp ?? and (2) how can I change the color of the label to match the color of the plot to which the label refers (i.e., 'r', 'g', 'b', or 'magenta') ?? Thanks

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%%Plotting Angular Velocity (rad/s)
figname = sprintf('Analog-AngVel-%s',filename(1:end-4));
imaxAVM=find(max(AngVelAVM)==AngVelAVM); text(TimeAV(imaxAVM),AngVelAVM(imaxAVM),[num2str(AngVelAVM(imaxAVM)),' rad/s'],'VerticalAlignment','top','HorizontalAlignment','right','FontSize',10);
iminAVC=find(min(AngVelAVC)==AngVelAVC); text(TimeAV(iminAVC),AngVelAVC(iminAVC),[num2str(AngVelAVC(iminAVC)),' rad/s'],'VerticalAlignment','top','HorizontalAlignment','right','FontSize',10);
iminAVS=find(min(AngVelAVS)==AngVelAVS); text(TimeAV(iminAVS),AngVelAVS(iminAVS),[num2str(AngVelAVS(iminAVS)),' rad/s'],'VerticalAlignment','bottom','HorizontalAlignment','right','FontSize',10);
iminAVA=find(min(AngVelAVA)==AngVelAVA); text(TimeAV(iminAVA),AngVelAVA(iminAVA),[num2str(AngVelAVA(iminAVA)),' rad/s'],'VerticalAlignment','top','HorizontalAlignment','left','FontSize',10);
title('Angular Velocity'); xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('AngVel(rad/s)'); legend('AngVel-Coronal','AngVel-Sagittal','AngVel-Axial','AngVel-Mag','location','best'); axis tight; grid on;

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 13 Apr 2014
num2str() allows a format as the second argument. However, I find that in the majority of cases in which I would be tempted to call num2str() with two arguments, that sprintf() is a better alternative.
You can pass a 'Color' name/value pair into text() calls.

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