Unable to Correct this Error..

2 views (last 30 days)
M C on 7 Feb 2014
* *??? Error using ==> visa.visa at 241 Unable to create VISA object. The required drivers may not be installed properly.* *
clear all; close all; clc; % Clear the command window format('short', 'e'); % Setup number formatting to Engineering short form
%% User Setup % number_traces= 5; % setup to capture N number of traces % %% Step 1: Open the VISA connection to the RSA % rtsa = visa( 'tek' , 'TCPIP::');
set( rtsa, 'InputBufferSize', 131072 ); % Set input buffer, should be 4x number of trace points minimum set( rtsa, 'Timeout', 20.0 ); % Set long GPIB time-out in case of long sweeps fopen( rtsa );
[ strIDN, numChars, errMsg ] = query( rtsa, '*IDN?' ); disp(['Spectrum Analyzer : ' strIDN]);
%% Step 2: Setup the RSA using SCPI commands % fprintf( rtsa, 'INST "SANORMAL"'); % Setup RSA for Standard Spectrum Analyzer fprintf( rtsa, '*RST' );query( rtsa, '*OPC?' ); % Reset instrument and wait for completion fprintf( rtsa, ':SENS:FREQ:STAR 2.44GHz' ); % Set start frequency fprintf( rtsa, ':SENS:FREQ:STOP 2.45GHz' ); % Set stop frequency % fprintf( rtsa, ':SENS:SPEC:BWID:RES:AUTO off' ); % Set RBW to user defined value %fprintf( rtsa, ':SENS:SPEC:BWID:RES 5Hz' ); % Set RBW to user defined value fprintf( rtsa, ':INPUT:MLEV -30' ); % Set reference level fprintf( rtsa, ':INIT:CONT OFF' ); % Turn Off Free Run
%% Step 3: Start Sweep, Fetch Trace, Add To Matrix % fprintf( rtsa, ':READ:SPEC?' ); % Fetch the trace trace = ParseBinary32Bit_SCPI( rtsa ); % Convert the trace trace_data = trace; % Add trace to trace data array x_range = numel(trace_data); % Calculate # of elements in trace arrray disp(['Number of Trace Elements =' num2str(x_range)]); % counter1 = 1;
start_time = clock; while counter1 <= number_traces % current_time = clock; % get the current time time_interval = etime2(start_time,current_time); if time_interval(4) >= 1 % wait for at least a n second interval disp(['Getting Trace #: ' num2str(counter1)]); fprintf( rtsa, ':READ:SPEC?' ); % Fetch the trace trace = ParseBinary32Bit_SCPI( rtsa ); % Convert the trace trace_data=[trace_data ; trace]; % add trace to the trace array start_time= clock; % set the start_time for calculation of the next interval counter1=counter1+1; % Increment trace counter end end
%% Plot Data % figure(1); surf(trace_data); shading interp; axis tight; grid on; xlabel('Frequency Index'); ylabel('Location Index'); zlabel('Amplitude (dBm)'); zlim([-140 -40]); title(strIDN);

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