How does the fit function apply the robust method and user defined weights?

1 view (last 30 days)
I want to know how exactly the fit function works. Specifically when the robust option and weights are given. If given some data y measured x with errors, yerr. We can do a robust weighted fit ...
set(options, 'Robust', 'on');
set(options, 'Weights',yerr);
[best, best2]=fit(x,y, 'poly1', options);
But we could also apply the user defined weights to the data before doing the robust fitting and then do the fitting to get the same results.
set(options, 'Robust', 'on');
[best, best2]=fit(x.*yerr,y.*yerr, 'poly1', options);
Sadly I don't, this is because I don't understand how the weights are applied when matlab does the robust fitting option.
Hope you can help

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