Help with error: ??? Attempted to access load1(:,1); index out of bounds because size(load1)=[53,1].

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone, I need some help with some code. I am not familiar with matlab at all, and was given this code by one of my team mates, so please forgive any ignorance on my part. The program I am trying to run simply plots a curve, fits a polynomial and plots its derivative. The code is working with my teammate's data, but doesn't seem to work with mine. I believe I have more data points, but am confused as to how to adjust the rest of my program to fit this larger array. This error keeps popping up:
??? Attempted to access load1(:,1); index out of bounds because size(load1)=[53,1].
Any help would be awesome! Please try to use lament terms, I don't know much about matlab.
Here is what I have so far:
close all; clear;
%convert extension to mm from inches extension=extension*25.4; l_o=2*25.4;
%convert load to N from lbs load=load*4.448;
offset=mean(extension(1:30)); extension=extension-offset;
loadoffset=mean(load(2:32)); load1=load-loadoffset; plot(load1);
loadplastic = load1(1:4000); plot(loadplastic, '.') extensionplastic = extension(1:4000);
plot (extension,load1, '.');
%calculate engstrain and truestrain engstrain=extensionplastic/l_o; truestrain=log(engstrain+1);
%calculate engstress and truestress engstress = loadplastic/(A_o); truestress = engstress.*(engstrain+1);
%plot engstrain and engstrain plot(engstrain,engstress,'.') hold on;
p = polyfit(engstrain, engstress, 2);
%Plot polynomial fit x = linspace(0, 0.08); y = polyval(p, x); plot(x, y);
p_deriv = polyder(p);
y_deriv = polyval(p_deriv, x);
%Plot both plots on current axes with independent scaling [AX,H1,H2] = plotyy(x,y, x,y_deriv); set(get(AX(1),'Ylabel'),'String','Stress (MPa)') set(get(AX(2),'Ylabel'),'String','Derivative of Fit')
legend('Data', 'Fitted Curve', 'Deriv. of Fit', 'location', 'southwest');
A. on 11 Feb 2011
Ah didn't realize this had a character limit. I've cut short one of the arrays to fit in this window.
Jan on 13 Feb 2011
Instead of pollution the message with a lot of not significant zeros, use RAND to create some test data, because the actual values do not matter the question at all.

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Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 11 Feb 2011
Do not name a variable "load" as that is the name of a command.
You did not show us the code line that is generating the error.
A. on 11 Feb 2011
No code line is highlighted in editor, not sure how else to debug?
Even renaming the ''load'' array gives the same error, thanks for the tip though.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 11 Feb 2011
You do not have a line of code of the same form as is being complained about.
At the matlab command prompt, command
dbstop if error
then run again. The program will stop in the debugger at the line containing the error.
I do see you attempting to access load1(1:4000) which would be a problem if load1 has less than 4000 elements.

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