Hi I am trying to solve a system of equations using fsolve or something similar with 4 variables. Please help

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Equations are
r(1)= sqrt((x-15600)^2+(y-7540)^2+(z-20140)^2)-(300000(0.07074-d))
I am trying to use fsolve
F=nle(x) ; I am actually substitution x,y,z,d as x(1)….x(4)
Then writing the equation for F and then i do x0= a range which i dont understand at all what to pick.
And then fsolve(@nle,x0)
I am getting a lot of errors and nowhere near to my answer.

Accepted Answer

Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim on 3 Mar 2014
Edited: Mischa Kim on 3 Mar 2014
Rishav, try
function r = test(r0)
% options = optimoptions('fsolve','Display','iter'); % new as of R2013a
% options = optimset('Display','iter','TolFun',1e-8); % before R2013a
% [r,fval] = fsolve(@myfun,r0,options)
[r,fval] = fsolve(@myfun,r0)
function F = myfun(r)
x = r(1);
y = r(2);
z = r(3);
d = r(4);
F = [sqrt((x-15600)^2+(y-7540)^2 +(z-20140)^2)-(300000*(0.07074-d));...
sqrt((x-18760)^2+(y-2750)^2 +(z-18610)^2)-(300000*(0.07220-d));...
sqrt((x-19170)^2+(y-610)^2 +(z-18340)^2)-(300000*(0.07242-d))];
and use in the MATLAB command window
r0 = [15000 10000 20000 0];
r = test(r0)
Rishav on 3 Mar 2014
I only need values for x,y and z. I think in my assignment there is a hint that says to subtract equation 1 from the last 3. I think that makes them equal to zero. Not sure again why x=r(1)…… Sorry, i am still a rookie.
Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim on 3 Mar 2014
Edited: Mischa Kim on 3 Mar 2014
OK. The above code should work, the options part is now commented out. Once you have this code running, you can use optimset, instead of optimoptions (new as of R2013a).
The starting values used above, r0 = [15000 10000 20000 0], seem to work.

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