Replace buttons

4 views (last 30 days)
Teresa on 29 Jul 2011
I have a function which creates buttons in my gui when I load data. The number of buttons depend on the size of the XTickLabels and YTickLabels. If I load some other data I want that the buttons from the first data disappear and are replaced by the new amount of buttons. Don't now how I can remove the buttons and how the function knows if there are buttons or not. Here is the code of the button-creation:
s = size(x,2);
breiteQuadrat = 625/s
for n=1:s
handles.b{n}=uicontrol('Style','PushButton','Units','pixels', 'Position',[125-breiteQuadrat/2-5+breiteQuadrat*n 40 10 10],'Visible','on','Callback',@(obj,event)msgbox(num2str(n),num2str(n)));
t = size(y,2);
hoeheQuadrat = 625/t
for n=1:t
handles.c{n}=uicontrol('Style','PushButton','Units','pixels', 'Position',[40 125-hoeheQuadrat/2-5+hoeheQuadrat*n 10 10],'Visible','on','Callback',@(obj,event)msgbox(num2str(n),num2str(n)));

Accepted Answer

Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva on 29 Jul 2011
To detect if the buttons are in the figure
To remove all the buttons
Also look at your previous question, if the answer is what you wanted (seems to be) please accept it.

More Answers (1)

Teresa on 29 Jul 2011
Thanks for your answer. But another problem is, that the buttons will not be there when i start the gui. they are created when i load a matrix. if i try to delete the buttons first and then create new ones, it did not work at the beginning. I get the error: Reference to non-existent field 'b'.
Do you also have a solution for this problem? Can i ask if b is set? How?
Teresa on 1 Aug 2011
sorry, forget the question above, this works. the function deletes the field of b when it exists but it did not remove the buttons from the figure. they are still there
Teresa on 1 Aug 2011
Now it works, i've updated the handles structure.
thank you for your help :)

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