Tackling the right structure type for my file2struct function of mixed data types.

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Evening, I am a big fan of mfcsvread function, however it did not do mixed data where you can have dates, times, and numbers. I decided to take it upon my cell to try this on my own. There are a few hurdles I need help with. The first is that it reads all data as strings instead of reading in a mix of strings and numbers or DATE/TIME and numbers. I also don't like the structures in the format I have them. They output as outputData(x).fieldName where x is the row in the source file. I would rather have outputData.fieldName(x) where x is the row in the source file for that fieldName. It makes manipulation of the entire field for unit conversions easy. Especially when trying to convert from str2num. Or am I missing something all together?
V/R, Frank
Here is sample CSV data:
DATE, TIME, ID, ALT, ROLL (radians)
1/1/2014, 13:51.000, 1500, 0.151
1/1/2014, 13:51.013, 1500, 0.155
Here is the function below:
function outputData = file2struct(fileName)
% read the first line
textLine = fgetl(fileID);
textLine = regexprep(textLine,'[(]','_');
textLine = regexprep(textLine,'[^a-zA-Z0-9_,]','');
commaLocations = findstr(',',textLine); % find the commas
fieldNames = cell(1,(length(commaLocations)+1));
for columnIndex = 1:length(commaLocations)
fieldNames{columnIndex} = textLine(cursor:commaLocations(columnIndex)-1);
cursor = commaLocations(columnIndex)+1;
fieldNames{columnIndex+1} = textLine(cursor:end);
textLine = fgetl(fileID);
i = 1;
while ~isequal(textLine,-1)
textLine = textscan(textLine,'%s','Delimiter',',');
for m = 1:length(fieldNames)
outputData(i).(fieldNames{m}) = textLine{1}{m};
i = i + 1;
textLine = fgetl(fileID);

Answers (1)

per isakson
per isakson on 1 May 2014
Edited: per isakson on 2 May 2014
I'm not exactly sure what your question is. However, this might help. It is the standard way to read and parse your file. Try this first step. Remains to assign the result to a struture.
>> [ hdr, sdn, id, num ] = cssm()
hdr =
DATE, TIME, ID, ALT, ROLL (radians)
sdn =
1.0e+05 *
id =
num =
1.0e+03 *
1.5000 0.0002
1.5000 0.0002
function varargout = cssm()
fid = fopen( 'cssm.txt' );
hdr = fgetl( fid );
cac = textscan( fid, '%s%s%f%f' ...
, 'CollectOutput', true ...
, 'Headerlines', 0 ...
, 'Delimiter', ',' );
fclose( fid );
dti = cell2mat( cac{1} );
id = str2num( dti(:,[end-2:end]) );
sdn = datenum( dti(:,[1:end-4]), 'mm/dd/yyyyHH:MM' );
varargout = { hdr, sdn, id, cac{2} };
and where cssm.txt contains the sample you provided. I'm guessing regarding the ID
  1 Comment
XLT_Frank on 2 May 2014
Ok, let me try this. I want to make a mixed data set version of this function: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/6012-multi-format-csv-reader/content/mfcsvread.m
The data I work with tends to be 100 different columns and about 50k lines. I like to read them into a structure such that they read like this...
dataStructure.parameter(x) where x is each line for that parameter in the file.

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