Is there any way to import long text field (longer than 128 bytes) into matlab from database?

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I have a database in which some fields are string longer than 128 bytes. When I use matlab to retrieve this field only the first 128 bytes can be read. And when I export data to database, also only 128 bytes data can be imported into the database. Is there any way to import long text field into matlab from database?
I use win7 64 bits system, matlab 2013b.
Here is the code:
databasename = 'D:\data.accdb'; conn = database('','','','sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver', ... ['jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DSN='';DBQ=' databasename]); curs = exec(conn,'select distinct distribtuion from dist'); setdbprefs('DataReturnFormat',type); if isempty(curs.Message) curs = fetch(curs,0); colunames=columnnames(curs); data = curs.Data; end
I also try the matalb database importing tools, but the results is the same.

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