how to write years in xtick.

5 views (last 30 days)
ravi on 26 May 2014
Commented: ravi on 19 Jun 2014
sir i want to write years in xtick like this figure and also write R2 value in figure how can do this? please help.thank you in advance.

Answers (2)

Chad Greene
Chad Greene on 18 Jun 2014
If your x vector is in datenum format, you can use datetick('x','yyyy').

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 26 May 2014
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 18 Jun 2014
I adapted the code from the previous link to plot x,y
% Generate some test data. Assume that the X-axis represents months.
x = 1901:3:2003
y = 10*rand(1,length(x));
% Plot the data.
h = plot(x,y);
% Reduce the size of the axis so that all the labels fit in the figure.
pos = get(gca,'Position');
set(gca,'Position',[pos(1), .2, pos(3) .65])
% Add a title.
title('This is a title')
% Set the X-Tick locations so that every other month is labeled.
Xl = [1901 2003];
% Add the months as tick labels.
ax = axis; % Current axis limits
axis(axis); % Set the axis limit modes (e.g. XLimMode) to manual
Yl = ax(3:4); % Y-axis limits
% Place the teaxt labels
t = text(x,Yl(1)*ones(1,length(x)),years);
set(t,'HorizontalAlignment','right','VerticalAlignment','top', ...
% Remove the default labels
% Get the Extent of each text object. This
% loop is unavoidable.
for i = 1:length(t)
ext(i,:) = get(t(i),'Extent');
% Determine the lowest point. The X-label will be
% placed so that the top is aligned with this point.
LowYPoint = min(ext(:,2));
% Place the axis label at this point
XMidPoint = Xl(1)+abs(diff(Xl))/2;
tl = text(XMidPoint,LowYPoint,'X-Axis Label', ...
'VerticalAlignment','top', ...
ravi on 19 Jun 2014
sir when i am adding your code in my code then years are perfectly plot in the figure but timeseries is not ploting(showing blank) because yaxis limit set 0 to can remove this fault from code
yrs = linspace(1,86,86);
rainfall = y2;
b = polyfit(yrs,rainfall, 1);
fr = polyval(b, yrs);
plot(yrs, rainfall, '-b')
hold on
plot(yrs, fr, '-r')
hold off
h1 = legend('Data', 'Linear', 'Location','NE');
set(h1, 'FontSize',8)
[xlim ylim]
textposx = diff(xlim)*0.50+min(xlim);
textposy = diff(ylim)*0.95+min(ylim);
text(textposx,textposy, sprintf('y = %.2f*x %c %0.2f', b(1),
char(45-(sign(b(1))+1)), abs(b(2))), 'FontSize',8)
title(' CCSM4(rcp2.6) : hr')
xl = get(gca,'xlim')';
% Set the X-Tick locations so that every other month is labeled.
x = 2015:5:2100
Xl = [2015 2100];
% Add the months as tick labels.
ax = axis; % Current axis limits
axis(axis); % Set the axis limit modes (e.g. XLimMode) to manual
Yl = ax(3:4); % Y-axis limits
% Place the teaxt labels
t = text(x,Yl(1)*ones(1,length(x)),years);
set(t,'HorizontalAlignment','right','VerticalAlignment','top', ... 'Rotation',90);
% Remove the default labels
% Get the Extent of each text object. This
% loop is unavoidable.
for i = 1:length(t)
ext(i,:) = get(t(i),'Extent');
% Determine the lowest point. The X-label will be
% placed so that the top is aligned with this point.
LowYPoint = min(ext(:,2));
% Place the axis label at this point
XMidPoint = Xl(1)+abs(diff(Xl))/2;
tl = text(XMidPoint,LowYPoint,'Year','fontSize',10,'fontWeight','bold','FontName','Arial','VerticalAlignment','top','HorizontalAlignment','center');

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