****The mex file with a different prhs****

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi, I have a compiled mex file that gives rubbish results.
After some detective work, I realised that the computational subroutine worked fine and that the problem was with the prhs. Strangely, the prhs did not correspond to my input.
I think it has most probably got to do with the type (int32 or int64), although I'm can't be absolutely sure. Does anybody know why it happened?
>> mex Print.F
>> Print(1,3)
ans =
#include "fintrf.h"
#if 0
C add.F
C .F file needs to be preprocessed to generate .for equivalent
C add.f
C Adds two integers
C *Gateway routine*
subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs)
C *Declarations*
implicit none
C *mexFunction arguments:*
mwPointer plhs(*), prhs(*)
integer nlhs, nrhs
C *Declare local variables for the mexfunction arguments*
mwPointer a, b
mwPointer c
mwSize mrows, ncols
mwSize size
mwSize :: one = 1
integer*4 classid
integer*4 :: mxREAL = 0
integer*4 mxIsInt64
C *Declare the symbolic names and types of this function*
integer mxIsNumeric
integer*4 mxClassIDFromClassName
mwPointer mxGetNumberOfElements
mwPointer mxCreateNumericMatrix
mwPointer mxGetData, mxGetPr, mxCreateDoubleMatrix
mwSize mxGetM, mxGetN
C *Verify MEX-File Input and Output Arguments*
if( nrhs /= 2 .or. nlhs > 1 ) then
call mexErrMsgTxt('Need 2 inputs and at most 1 output')
if( mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs(1)) /= 1 .or.
+ mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs(2)) /= 1 ) then
call mexErrMsgTxt('Inputs must be scalar')
C *Prepare in/out matrix:*
classid = mxClassIDFromClassName("int64")
plhs(1) = mxCreateNumericMatrix(one,one,classid,mxREAL)
a = mxGetPr(prhs(1))
b = mxGetPr(prhs(2))
c = mxGetPr(plhs(1))
C *Get the size of the input array.*
c mrows = mxGetM(prhs(1))
c ncols = mxGetN(prhs(1))
c size = mrows*ncols
C *Call the computational subroutine.*
call add(%val(a), %val(b), %val(c))
C *Computational subroutine*
subroutine add(a, b, c)
integer*8 a, b, c
c = b

Accepted Answer

Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer on 4 Jun 2014
it's not the data into the mex function (they are of type double, that's fine), but it's the plhs you have wrong: you create a numeric matrix of type int64, therefore you can't use mxGetPr but need to use mxGetData. And if you want to call your function with int64 you need to do explicitly, i.e.
Print(int64(1), int64(3))
Zhong Hao
Zhong Hao on 5 Jun 2014
Hey James, thanks for your help.
Are there any good and instructive example codes that show how to use a fortran gateway correctly?
Thank you once again.
James Tursa
James Tursa on 5 Jun 2014
Go ahead and look through the MATLAB provided examples, but keep in mind they are not all written properly. You might also look at this FEX submission for a Fortran 95 interface (although I don't think it has been entirely updated for 64-bit systems yet):

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