How can i predict data by using neural network from input after fitting the data??

7 views (last 30 days)
I used Neural Network fitting tool for training my data and got outputs for each target that i supplied to the network. Those outputs are well within the error range and give a good fit for the network. But, now i want to predict output based on input samples not included within the data set that i previously provided to the nnftool for getting the outputs. Please tell me how i can do that? The input samples are withing the training set range.
sidra muqaddas
sidra muqaddas on 26 Oct 2016
how to predict output from a new input,after you have done with the training.(using code not nntoolbox variables)
sidra muqaddas
sidra muqaddas on 26 Oct 2016
x = [0 1 0; 0 1 0; 1 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 1; 1 1 1; 0 1 1; 1 1 0]; % three samples from input training data
t = [0 0 1; 1 0 0 ; 0 1 0; 0 0 0;0 0 0;0 0 0]; %three samples from target training data
[ni N]=size(x); % ni= no of input neurons
[no N]=size(t); %no= no of output neurons
nh=8; % no of hidden neurons in hidden layer
wih = 0.01*randn(nh,ni+1); %weight matrix (iput to hidden layer)
who = 0.01*randn(no,nh+1); %weight matrix (hidden to output layer)
c = 0;
while(c < 1000)
c = c+1;
for i=1:N
for j = 1:nh
netj(j) = wih(j,1:end-1)*x(:,i)+wih(j,end);
outj(j) = tansig(netj(j));
for k = 1:no
netk(k) = who(k,1:end-1)*outj' + who(k,end);
outk(k) = 1./(1+exp(-netk(k)));
delk(k) = outk(k)*(1-outk(k))*(t(k,i)-outk(k));
%back propagation
for j = 1:nh
for k = 1:no
s = s + who(k,j)*delk(k);
delj(j) = outj(j)*(1-outj(j))*s;
for k = 1:no
for l = 1:nh
who(k,l) = who(k,l)+.5*delk(k)*outj(l);
who(k,l+1) = who(k,l+1)+1*delk(k)*1;
for j = 1:nh
for ii = 1:ni
wih(j,ii) = wih(j,ii)+.5*delj(j)*x(ii,i);
wih(j,ii+1) = wih(j,ii+1)+1*delj(j)*1;
h = tansig(wih*[x;ones(1,N)]);
y = logsig(who*[h;ones(1,N)]); y=round(y); e = t-y; % new iput to the network csr=[0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0]; % current sensor reading

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Accepted Answer

Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 29 Jun 2014
Incorrect understanding:
Generalization: Ability to perform well on nontraining data
Overfitting: Number of training equations, Ntrneq, not being sufficiently larger than the number of unknown weights, Nw, can be a cause of DECREASED generalization.
Mitigation: Either increase Ndof and/or use validation stopping(default) and/or use regularization (e.g., TRAINBR)
Insufficient information:
size(input) = [ I N ] = [ ? ? ]
size(target) = [ O N ] = [ ? ? ]
default number of training examples Ntrn = N-2*round(0.15*N) = ?
number of training equations Ntrneq = Ntrn*O
reference mean-square errors
MSEtrn00 = mean(var(trntarget',1)) % Biased
MSEtrn00a = mean(var(trntarget',0))% DOF adjusted
MSEval00 = mean(var(valtarget',1)) % Unbiased
MSEtst00 = mean(var(tsttarget',1)) % Unbiased
number of hidden nodes, H = ?
number of unknown weights Nw = (I+1)*H+(H+1)*O = ?
number of estimation degrees of freedom Ndof = Ntrneq-Nw = ?
SSEtrn = sse(trntarget-trnoutput)
MSEtrn = SSEtrn/Ntrneq % mse(trntarget-trnoutput)
MSEtrna = SSEtrn/Ndof
NMSEtrn = MSEtrn/MSEtrn00
NMSEtrna = MSEtrna/MSEtrn00a
NMSEval = MSEval/MSEval00
NMSEtst = MSEtst/MSEtst00
  1 Comment
Atiyo Banerjee
Atiyo Banerjee on 29 Jun 2014
Well thanks for the information, really helpful to me..i used LM algorithm with 12 neurons in 1 hidden layer and it simulated fairly well..and could mimic the parabolic behavior of the system. But some of the results are inconsistent based on the experimental data that i had with me. Maybe the values are falling in local minima traps and the learning is not that good for the system. I referred to a research paper on absorption that did the same experimental fitting and used 1200 data sets for training. In my situation, i had about 150 static datasets of 4 different variables. At first i was getting repetitive values in the simulation results, then i corrected it by changing weights and re-training the network.

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More Answers (1)

Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 28 Jun 2014
newoutput = net(newinput)
THank you for formally accepting my answer
Atiyo Banerjee
Atiyo Banerjee on 5 Jul 2014
Thank you so much for your conceptual reply...i am still searching for deeper concepts on the neural network problem solving ability..and yes, there always remains the notion whether the system is over-defined, under-defined or well defined..the problem in using mse as the performance function is that it gives the mean deviations summed up over the observation but does not tell us about the individual deviations or the number of observations that have deviated from optimum that case keeping the weights to a necessary value would solve the problem.
Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 26 Oct 2016
You can always superimpose output plots (red) over target plots (blue) to obtain a better understanding of what causes errors.

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