calculate nullspace of stochiometric matrix

1 view (last 30 days)
Teresa on 19 Aug 2011
i try to calculate the nullspace of a stochiometric matrix with the algorithms lu, qr and svd. Standard is the null-command of matlab. i've got an example from a colleague but i did not understand every step and he is not there, so i cannot ask him. i think the lu-algorithm is wrong. can anyone find a mistake or way to make it better?
case 'standard'
K = null(S.Stoich,'r');
[n,m] = size(K);
G = S.Stoich*K %check the result
case 'lu'
A = S.Stoich;
[m,n] = size(A);
[L,U,Pr,Pc] = lu(sparse(A));
U = full(U);
r = rank(U);
Ui = U(1:r,1:r);
%Ue = pinv(Ui)
Ue = Ui*U(1:r,:); % =>Reduced Echelon-Form
K = full(Pc*[ -Ue(:,r+1:n); eye(n-r) ]);
G = Pr*A*Pc*K %check the result
case 'qr'
A = S.Stoich;
[m,n] = size(A);
if rank(A)<m
[m,n] = size(A);
[Q,R,P] = qr(A);
r = rank(A); % ginge auch direkt aus QR-Zerlegung
Rb = R(1:r,1:r); % Basis-Anteil
Rn = R(1:r,r+1:n); % Null-Anteil
K = P*[ -inv(Rb)*Rn; eye(n-r) ];
%error('matrix must not be rank-deficient');
[Q,R] = qr(A');
K = Q(:,m+1:n);
G = A*K %check the result
case 'svd'
A = S.Stoich;
% single value decomposition
[m,n] = size(A);
[U,s,V] = svd(A);
% numerische Rangbestimmung (alternativ: r=rank(A)):
tol = max(m,n)*s(1,1)*eps;
r = 0;
for i=1:min(size(s))
if s(i,i) >= tol, r = r+1; end
K = V(:,r+1:n);
G = A*K %check the result
Thank you

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