Implementing Fuzzy Controller on embedded system - fis.c

6 views (last 30 days)
I'm trying to get fis.c compatible for my STM32F4. I've noticed that if I don't put any rules containing the term NOT, in the rule base, the fis.c file isn't even used in the exported C code, instead a xxx_data.c file is created.
This setup works perfectly fine on my controller, but now I've come across a situation where I'd like to implement a rule including the NOT term.
What's exactly going on here that makes the fis.c file required all of a sudden?
It seems that if i want to use this fis.c files, I'll have to remove all the printf and file access terms. Quite a big job.
The main issue I'm having at the moment is that the generated code now has calloc() functions everywhere. This means I'll have to do some memory management to support it. Again, something I'd like to avoid

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