Need help with writing the objective function for a genetic algorithm

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I usually use AMPL to write mixed integer programs, but now I need to implement a Genetic Algorithm so I'm trying to write my objective function on Matlab. I cannot handle the summation over specific ranges like I used to do in AMPL. It'll be great if someone can help me figuring out how to write the attached objective function in Matlab. Thanks.
Ameera on 24 Jul 2014
Edited: Ameera on 24 Jul 2014
I have written the fitness function copied below, it is a simplified function of what I'm trying to do. My issue now is with the GA optimization tool:
1-My only variable is "x" (2x3 matrix in the given example below), what should be the number of variables in this case? Is it 1 or 6?
2-How to specify that x is binary?
3-I have the following constraint in my problem: sum(t in 1..T) x(i,t) <=1, for every i. How can I enter that constraint in the linear inequalities boxes.
Here is my fitness function:
function [x,fval] = APP(alpha,k,r,v,vz,x0)
[x,fval] = fminunc(@APPnest,x0);
function obj = APPnest(x)
obj = 0;
for t = 1:3
for i = 1:2
z = 0;
for u = 1:t
z = z + k(i,t-u+1) * x(i,u);
nem = v(i)*z;
w = 0;
for j = 1:2
for u = 1:t
w = w + v(j) * k(j,t-u+1) * x(j,u);
den = vz + w;
obj = obj + alpha(t)*r(i)*(nem/den);
obj = -obj;

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