multcompare and anovan with continuous group variable

4 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone,
I am a bit confused about how to use multcompare and anovan, when one of my variables is continuous: y = [3.2184 4.2694 4.2562 4.7992 5.3111 6.0386];
g1 = {'file 1', 'file 1', 'file 1', 'file 2', 'file 2', 'file 2'};
g2 = [1.0000 1.1000 1.3400 1.3100 1.4100 1.6000];
[p1,table1,stats1] = anovan(totmean(1,(1:10))' , {g1 g2}, 'continuous', (2),'model','interaction');
I am supposed to use parameter 'dimension' :
[c,m,h,nms] = multcompare(stats1, 'dimension', 2)
The problem is that when I run it, I get:
Error using multcompare (line 245)
DIM must specify only categorical factors with 2 or more degrees of freedom.
Could anyone help me with that?
Thank you!!

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