How SEND and READ a hexadecimal code in matlab and instrument via port usb

27 views (last 30 days)
I really need need your help on this please. The goal is to send a command code in hexadecimal 8-bit and receive the answer as 8-bit Matlab. For now, I can send information in the following map out verification oscilloscope and I see the same .By against my problem is transmitting the data to matlab. I tried everything with fread or fscanf but it still shows me error; such as:
Warning: The specified Amount of data returned 'Was not Within The Timeout period.
So I do not know if SOMEBODY can help me on this problem please because I have already made several attempts, but this time to no avail.
sorry for my english.
s = serial('COM5');
set(s,'BaudRate',9600,'DataBits', 8, 'Parity', 'none','StopBits', 1, 'FlowControl', 'none','Terminator','CR');
% Connect to instrument object, obj1.
txdata = ['10';'02';'00';'00';'10';'03']; %hexadecimal code
%Convert to decimal format
txdata_dec = hex2dec(txdata);
%read data format UINT8
fwrite (obj2, txdata_dec, 'uint8');
Until then everything works, but at the reception, there is error.
I did:
out = fread(s,8,'uint8');
but not reponse.
window command
ByteOrder = littleEndian
BytesAvailable = 0
BytesAvailableFcn =
BytesAvailableFcnCount = 48
BytesAvailableFcnMode = terminator
BytesToOutput = 0
ErrorFcn =
InputBufferSize = 512
Name = Serial-COM5
ObjectVisibility = on
OutputBufferSize = 512
OutputEmptyFcn =
RecordDetail = compact
RecordMode = overwrite
RecordName = record.txt
RecordStatus = off
Status = open
Tag =
Timeout = 1
TimerFcn =
TimerPeriod = 1
TransferStatus = idle
Type = serial
UserData = []
ValuesReceived = 0
ValuesSent = 6
SERIAL specific properties:
BaudRate = 9600
BreakInterruptFcn =
DataBits = 8
DataTerminalReady = on
FlowControl = none
Parity = none
PinStatus = [1x1 struct]
PinStatusFcn =
Port = COM5
ReadAsyncMode = continuous
RequestToSend = off
StopBits = 1
Terminator = CR
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 9 May 2021
Terminator = CR
You are using a binary protocol. It is likely that either there is no terminator or that the terminator is not carriage return. You might need to switch to non-terminator reading, such as BytesAvailableFcn that does the fread()

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