Output is taking infinite loops.How to solve?

2 views (last 30 days)
Srujana on 21 Oct 2014
Commented: Guillaume on 21 Oct 2014
3 parts of the code are posted. Part-1 is Depletion, Part-2 is Depletion Region and Part-3 is Main. The functions depletion and depletion region are called in the main part of the code (Part-3).The error might be due to while loops in the depletion region(Part-2).
function output = depletion(x3, V, x4, epsilonp, epsilonn,Na, Nd)
% depletion.m
%fzero(@depletion, x3old, [], Vbi - bias, 0, epsilonp, ...
% %is used to calculate the value of x3 that self - ...
%consistently gives the correct voltage drop across the ...
%pn junction, in the cylindrical geometry
q = 1.60219e-19;
d2 = x3 + x4
x2 = sqrt(Na * (d2^2 - x4^2)/Nd + d2^2) - d2 % removed semicolon to check output value of x2;
if x4 > 0
%splitting expression for output into 5 terms to identify which term
%results in complex value for output on 22/8/14 at 14:47
% T1=V
% T2=(q * Na/(4 * epsilonp) * (d2^2 - x4^2))
% T3=q * Na/(2 * epsilonp) * x4^2 *log(d2/x4)
% T4=q * Nd/(4 * epsilonn) * ((d2 + x2)^2 -d2^2)
% T5= q * Nd/(2 * epsilonn) *(d2 + x2)^2 * (log((d2 + x2)/d2))
output = V - (q * Na/(4 * epsilonp) * (d2^2 - x4^2)- q * Na/(2 * epsilonp) * x4^2 *log(d2/x4) - q * Nd/(4 * epsilonn) * ((d2 + x2)^2 -d2^2) + q * Nd/(2 * epsilonn) *(d2 + x2)^2 * (log((d2 + x2)/d2)));
% removed semicolon to check output value of output;
%output = T1 - T2 - T3 - T4 + T5
elseif x4 == 0 output = V - (q * Na/(4 * epsilonp) * d2^2 - q *Nd/(4 * epsilonn) * ((d2 + x2)^2 - d2^2) +q * Nd/(2 * epsilonn) * (d2 + x2)^2 * (log((d2 +x2)/d2)))
% removed semicolon to check output value of output;
%added this if statement to trap complex output on 24/8/14 at 11:28 am
% if(any(imag(output)))
% display('complex output');
% display(output);
% display(x2);
% display(x3);
% display(x4);
% output=0;
function [x1, x2, x3, x4, Vbi] = depletionregion(Nd, Na, R,epsilonp, epsilonn, ni,bias, windowwidth)
% File name changed from A2.m to depletionegion.m by Ananth at 13/4/14 at
% 21:26 hrs
% changed x3old in the last argument to 1 on 22/8/14 14:36 pm% changed x3old in the last argument to 1 on
22/8/14 14:36 pm
% changed 1 back to x3old on 22/8/14 at 14:38 q = 1.60219E-19; kB = 1.3807e-23; T = 300; Vbi = ((kB * T) / q) * log(Na * Nd / ni^2)
if bias >= Vbi
x1 = 0;
x2 = 0;
x3 = 0;
x4 = 0;
Vbi = 0;
elseif bias<Vbi
x3guess = sqrt(2 * Nd * epsilonn * epsilonp * (Vbi- bias) / (q * Na * (Nd * epsilonn + Na * epsilonp)));
x3old = 0;
x3new = sqrt(2 * Nd * epsilonn * epsilonp * (Vbi -bias) / (q * Na * (Nd * epsilonn + Na * epsilonp)));
while abs(x3old - x3new)>1e-9
x3old = x3new;
x3new = fzero(@depletion, x3old, [], Vbi-bias, 0, epsilonp, epsilonn, Na, Nd);
% changed x3old in the last argument to 1 on 22/8/14 14:36 pm
% changed 1 back to x3old on 22/8/14 at 14:38
% trapping complex output from fzero function;
%if(x3new ==0)
% break;
% end
x3max = x3new;
x2max = sqrt(Na / Nd * x3max^2 + x3max^2) - x3max;
if (x2max + x3max) >= R
x4 = 0;
x1 = 0;
x2 = x2max * R / (x2max + x3max)
x3 = x3max * R / (x2max + x3max)
Vbi = (q * Na / (4 * epsilonp) * x3^2 - q * Nd / (4 * epsilonn) * ((x3 + x2)^2 - x3^2) +q * Nd / (2 * epsilonn) * (x3 + x2)^2 *(log((x3 + x2) / x3)));
elseif (x2max + x3max)<R
x4old = 1;
x4new = 0;
while abs(x4old - x4new)>1e-9
x4old = x4new
x3 = fzero(@depletion, x3guess, [], Vbi -bias, x4old, epsilonp, epsilonn, Na, Nd);
%trapping complex output from fzero function
% break;
x2 = sqrt(Na * ((x3 + x4old)^2 - x4old^2) /Nd + (x3 + x4old)^2) - x3 - x4old;
if x3 >= (R - windowwidth)
x1 = R - x2 - x3;
x4new = 0;
elseif x3<(R - windowwidth)
x1 = max(0, windowwidth - x2);
x4new = max(0, R - x1 - x2 - x3);
x4 = x4new;
disp('error 2')
disp('error 3')
%clears variables, closes windows and clears screen clear all; close all; clc;
%defining variables T= 310; % absolute temperature in Kelvin Dn=1.0; Dp=0.3; Nd=1e18; Na=1e18;
epsilonn=11.8; epsilonp=11.8; ni=1.5e10;
sigma_n=1e-5; sigma_p=1e-6;
% T1=0;T2=0;T3=0;T4=0;T5=0; Vth=0.026*T/300 ; window_width=1E-6;
alpha1 = 1.0;
%creating vectors len_start=0; len_end = 99; len_num_points =100;
vec_of_lengths = linspace(len_start,len_end, len_num_points);
rad_start=1; rad_end =100 ; rad_num_points = 100;
EField_num_points =100 ;
for count = 1:length(vec_of_lengths)
vec_of_rad = linspace(rad_start,rad_end, rad_num_points); vec__of_aspect_ratios = vec_of_lengths./vec_of_rad;
V_built_in=0.7;% built-in voltage in volts
volt_start = 0; volt_end = 0.95*V_built_in; volt_num_points = 100;
vec_of_volts = linspace(volt_start, volt_end, volt_num_points); length_vec_of_volts = length(vec_of_volts);
for count2= 1:17 matrix1(:,:,count2) = zeros(length_vec_of_volts, rad_num_points); end
for count2=1:4 matrix2(:,:,:,count2) = zeros(EField_num_points, rad_num_points, length_vec_of_volts); end
for count2=1:2 matrix3(:,count2) = zeros(1, rad_num_points); end
for count2=1:length(vec_of_rad)
for count3=1:length(vec_of_volts)
Ln=vec_of_rad(count3);% Ln is the diffusion length of electrons and is set equal to the radius.
taun0 = 1/(sigma_n*Nr*Vth);
taup0 = 1/(sigma_p*Nr*Vth);
bias(count3,count2) = vec_of_volts(count2); % assigning bias a value from voltage vector
%call depletion region function [x1,x2,x3,x4,V_built_in] = depletionregion(Nd, Na,vec_of_rad(count2),epsilonp, epsilonn, ni,bias(count3,count2), window_width)
if(bias(count3,count2) > V_built_in ) %V_built_in(count3,count2)) break; end %end if %add x1 and x2 d1=x1 + x2;
%add x3 and x4 d2=x3 + x4;
% define dimensionless variables
beta1(count3,count2) = vec_of_rad(count2)/Lp;
beta2(count3,count2) = (vec_of_rad(count2) - x1)/Lp; % x1(count3,count2))/Lp; this commented part has to be used after
beta3 = alpha1*vec_of_lengths(count2);
Ced on 21 Oct 2014
Try adding sprintf messages in your for loops to see where the problem is. Once you know that, add a line there saying "keyboard". This will stop the simulation at that place so you can have a look at all the values. Pressing F5 will then advance one iteration, so you can have a look at the same values etc.
Guillaume on 21 Oct 2014
while sprintf / keyboard / etc. would work, why not use the debugging tools designed in matlab. That is set breakpoints, step throught the code and stop on errors.

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