Getting the exact coordinates of some location on a map (longitude, latitude) using MATLAB

9 views (last 30 days)
I am stuck at finding the coordinates of a location on map from Google Earth, and I was told that MATLAB does very good job.
I've read about Mapping Toolbox, and I did learn the basics for showing the maps, but couldn't:
1- Import the image map in MATLAB.
2- Analyze it to get the coordinates.
What I need exactly is the coordinates of the red points in the following picture:
Is that even possible?

Accepted Answer

Chad Greene
Chad Greene on 27 Oct 2014
Does your image have georeferencing information associated with it? If so, pix2latlon converts pixel locations to lat/lon coordinates. Or you can manually click around on an image and get coordinates of clicks with inputm.
Simo on 27 Oct 2014
First of all, Thank you for your answer.
Unfortunately, I don't have any information for this image, How can I get them? And is it possible to get a similar image using MATLAB so I can analyze it directly from there?
Chad Greene
Chad Greene on 27 Oct 2014
You could download a Landsat 8 image. Get the Level 1 GeoTIFF. Then the geotiffinfo and geotiffread functions should give you the georeferencing information you need. Without georeferencing information, there's no way to know where each pixel belongs in space.

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