Error message for ode45: "too many input arguments"

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I have a differential equation dQ= alpha*A*Q - beta*Q where each row is its own DE -- I am trying to go through each row and solve the differential equation. I am looking for 6 plots showing the solution.
MY function is as follows:
function dQ = ode_system (t, Q, param)
for j=1:6
dQ(i) = -param.r*Q+param.beta*Q*A(i,j);
And my script:
param.alpha = 0.001; % set the parameter 'alpha' of the model where 'alpha' is the base infection rate which can be anything larger than 0
param.beta = 0.1; % set the parameter 'beta' of the model where 'beta' is the recovery rate of the system
A=[1 1 0 0 1 0; 1 0 1 0 1 0;0 1 0 1 0 0;0 0 1 0 1 1;1 1 0 1 0 0;0 0 0 1 0 0]; %This is the adjacency matrix of the system
model_title = 'SIS Epidemics';
end_time = 100;
for i=1:6
% Extract initial values from the 'initial' structure and collect them
% in a column vector for use in 'ode45'.
initial_values = []; variable_names = fieldnames(initial);
for i=1:length(variable_names)
initial_values = [initial_values; initial.(variable_names{i})];
% integrate [t, y] = ode45(@(t, Q) ode_system(t, Q, param), ... [0 end_time], ... initial_values, ... []);
% for plotting legend_texts = cell(length(variable_names), 1);
for i=1:length(variable_names)
text = [variable_names{i} '(t)'];
legend_texts{i} = text;
plot(t, y);
ylabel('number of individuals');
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes on 30 Oct 2014
Brynn- rather than pasting the script into your function, it may be easier to just attach it to your question using the paper clip button (that way, it will be formatted properly).
In your ode_system, you reference param.r and A. The former is not a field within your param structure, and the latter is not an input to the function. (Neither is the index variable i.)
These three problems don't generate the error too many input arguments, so you may want to adjust your code, question title and/or add some context as to what you are attempting and what the problem is.
Stephen23 on 30 Oct 2014
Also you should avoid using i as a vairable name, as this is the name of the inbuilt imaginary unit . Some common alternatives are ii, jj, m, n,...

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