Dear All, I am really new to matlab and dont know how to run this code. can anybody guide me stepwise? code courtesy: http://www​​/~hamarneh​/software/​livewire/l​wcontour_s​ven.m

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function IJpath_return_vector = lwcontour_sven(image2d, varargin)
IP = inputParser; IP.addParamValue('clims', [], @(x)isnumeric(x) && length(x)==2 && diff(x)>0); IP.addParamValue('fig_h', [], @ishandle); IP.addParamValue('seedIJ', [-1 -1], @(x)isnumeric(x) && length(x)==2); IP.addParamValue('xVec', [], @(x)isnumeric(x) && all(diff(x)>0)); IP.addParamValue('yVec', [], @(x)isnumeric(x) && all(diff(x)>0)); IP.parse(varargin{:});
if isempty(IP.Results.xVec) isempty(IP.Results.yVec) PxIJ_to_AxIJ = @(pxIJ)pxIJ; AxIJ_to_PxIJ = @(axIJ)axIJ; else PxIJ_to_AxIJ = @(pxIJ)[IP.Results.yVec(pxIJ(:,1))' IP.Results.xVec(pxIJ(:,2))']; AxIJ_to_PxIJ = @(axIJ)round([ interp1(IP.Results.yVec(:),1:length(IP.Results.yVec), axIJ(:,1)), ... interp1(IP.Results.xVec(:),1:length(IP.Results.xVec), axIJ(:,2))]); end
findNeighbour = @findNeighbour_LWCONTOUR;
p_inputImage = im2doubleWithBounds(image2d, IP.Results.clims); [imageCannyEdge, imageLoG, gradientx, gradienty, magnitude] = getImageEdgesAndGradients(p_inputImage); wghtCoA = 4; %Presence of canny edge weight wghtCoB = 1; %Gradient magnitude weight wghtCoC = 1; %Gradient direction weight wghtCoD = 4; %Presence of LoG edge weight imageSizeIJ = size(imageCannyEdge);
% Start with an empty contour contourIJset = {};
% Create a figure showing the image, or use the one provided if ishandle(IP.Results.fig_h) fig_h = IP.Results.fig_h; figure(fig_h) figureCreated = false; else fig_h = figure; imshow(p_inputImage); figureCreated = true; end hold on;
% Get a starting seed, and calculate the initial COST function image seedIJ = AxIJ_to_PxIJ(IP.Results.seedIJ); while ~isValidSeed(seedIJ, 1) inputSeed = ginput(1); seedIJ = AxIJ_to_PxIJ(inputSeed([2 1])); end COST = getCOST(seedIJ);
H_permLine = plot(seedIJ(2), seedIJ(1), 'Color','g', 'LineWidth',3,'Tag','lwpermline'); H_tempLine = plot(nan, nan, 'Color','m', 'LineWidth',3,'Tag','lwpermline');
% Apply mouse and button actions, storing the old ones for restoration oldFcnStruct = applyFigFcns();
% Wait for the user to draw their contours. Pressing a button will resume uiwait(fig_h);
% Build the final contour to be returned. if isempty(contourIJset) IJpath_return_vector = zeros(0,2); else IJpath_return_vector = PxIJ_to_AxIJ(cat(1, contourIJset{:})); end if ~ishandle(fig_h), return; end set(fig_h, oldFcnStruct) % Resotre the original figure functions in case they were overwritten if figureCreated close(fig_h); end
%% SUPPORTING SUB-FUNCTIONS function oldFcnStruct = applyFigFcns() % Set the livewire mouse and button actions, retaining the old functions for restoration fcnNames = {'WindowButtonDownFcn','WindowButtonMotionFcn','KeyPressFcn','KeyReleaseFcn'}; fcnVals = get(fig_h,fcnNames); fcnNameValPairs = cat(1, fcnNames, fcnVals); oldFcnStruct = struct(fcnNameValPairs{:}); set(fig_h,'WindowButtonDownFcn',@(src,evnt)onSeedClick); set(fig_h,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',@(src,evnt)onMouseMove); set(fig_h,'KeyPressFcn',@(src,evnt)onKeyPress(src,evnt)); set(fig_h,'KeyReleaseFcn',@(src,evnt)onKeyRelease(src,evnt)); end
function pxIJ = currentPointInPxIJ()
pxIJ = round(AxIJ_to_PxIJ(seed(1,[2 1])));
function onSeedClick()
if ~isValidSeed(clickedIJ, 1), return; end
[pathI, pathJ] = findNeighbour(clickedIJ(1), clickedIJ(2));
contourIJset{end+1} = [pathI' pathJ'];
COST = getCOST(clickedIJ);
function updateFullPathDisplay()
% Update the new permanent line, and reset the temporary line
fullPathIJ = cat(1, contourIJset{:});
if isempty(fullPathIJ), fullPathIJ = [nan nan]; end
drawPath = PxIJ_to_AxIJ(fullPathIJ);
set(H_permLine,'XData', drawPath(:,2), 'YData', drawPath(:,1))
set(H_tempLine,'XData', [], 'YData', [])
function TF = isValidSeed(inputSeedIJ, paddingIJ)
% Is this input a valid point inside the input image? Seeds may not lie on image boundaries
% or a .dll error occurs, so seed points should have paddingIJ = 1.
if nargin<2, paddingIJ=0; end
TF = all(inputSeedIJ>paddingIJ & inputSeedIJ<=(imageSizeIJ-paddingIJ));
function onMouseMove()
% As the mouse moves, get the hovered point, then get the best path from there to the source
% location of the COST image.
hoveredIJ = currentPointInPxIJ();
[pathI, pathJ] = findNeighbour(hoveredIJ(1), hoveredIJ(2));
% Update the temporary line to show this calculated path
if ~any(isnan([pathI,pathJ]))
drawPath = PxIJ_to_AxIJ([pathI(:), pathJ(:)]);
drawPath = [nan nan];
set(H_tempLine,'XData', drawPath(:,2), 'YData', drawPath(:,1))
function onKeyPress(src, evnt)
% Return upon any key press
switch lower(evnt.Key)
case 'u' % UNDO last clicked path segment!
fprintf('Undo last point.\n')
if isempty(contourIJset), return; end
% Grab the previous source point then remove that piece of the path
previousSourceIJ = contourIJset{end}(1,:);
contourIJset(end) = [];
% Update the display and reset the COST image based on this previous source pt
COST = getCOST(previousSourceIJ);
case 'control' % Clear out the key press function (onKeyRelease will reset it)
fprintf('Starting straight-line mode... ')
findNeighbour = @findNeighbour_STRAIGHT;
delete([H_permLine H_tempLine])
function onKeyRelease(~, evnt)
% Resume the normal key press function when 'control' is released
if strcmpi('control', evnt.Key)
fprintf('straight-line mode ended.\n')
findNeighbour = @findNeighbour_LWCONTOUR;
function COST = getCOST(seedSubs)
% Calculate the COST using simplelw, then ensure the borders are impossible to reach
seedSubs = seedSubs-1; % Negate one to conform with simplelw syntax.
output(output(:) == max(output(:))) = inf;
COST = output;
function [endx, endy] = findNeighbour_LWCONTOUR(endx, endy)
% Walk from the endx, endy points to the source location of the COST image
% NOTE: Within findNeighbour, "x" and "y" really mean the first and second dimensions of an
% image, not true X and Y directions
%Checks if coordinates are valid
if ~isValidSeed([endx, endy])
findNeighbourX = [-1 -1 -1 0 0 1 1 1]';%vector for calculating neighbour pixels
findNeighbourY = [-1 0 1 -1 1 -1 0 1]';
% Start walking!
pathcost = COST(endx, endy);%flipped x|y
previouscost = pathcost+1;
while ((pathcost > 0) && (previouscost > pathcost))
neighbour = [findNeighbourX+endx(1) findNeighbourY+endy(1)];%fncFindNeighbour(endx, endy, 1, 1, imagesize(1), imagesize(2));
endx = [neighbour(1,1) endx]; %#ok, I guess
endy = [neighbour(1,2) endy]; %#ok, I guess
for ind = 1:size(neighbour,1)
if (COST(neighbour(ind,1), neighbour(ind,2)) < pathcost)
pathcost = COST(neighbour(ind,1), neighbour(ind,2));
endx(1) = neighbour(ind,1);
endy(1) = neighbour(ind,2);
end;%end of if (cost()<
end;%end of for loop
end;%while pathcost > 0
function [endx, endy] = findNeighbour_STRAIGHT(endx, endy)
%Checks if coordinates are valid
if ~isValidSeed([endx, endy]),
[~, minIdx] = min(COST(:));
[srcI, srcJ] = ind2sub(size(COST),minIdx);
srcXY = [srcI, srcJ]; tgtXY = [endx, endy];
srtToTgtDistance = ceil(sqrt(sum((tgtXY-srcXY).^2,2)));
pathXY = round(interp1([0;1],[srcXY;tgtXY],linspace(0,1,srtToTgtDistance)));
endx = pathXY(:,1)';
endy = pathXY(:,2)';
%% SUPPORTING FUNCTIONS function convertedIm = im2doubleWithBounds(I, clims) % Convert an image to double, bounded by limits [min max] if nargin<2 length(clims)~=2, clims = double([min(I(:)) max(I(:))]); end convertedIm = (double(I)-clims(1))/diff(clims); convertedIm = min(max(convertedIm,0), 1); end
function [imageCannyEdge, imageLoG, gradientx, gradienty, magnitude] = getImageEdgesAndGradients(p_inputImage)
% Handle edge changes that are identical regardless of input type, setting edge costs to 0 imageCannyEdge = edge(mean(p_inputImage,3), 'canny'); imageLoG = edge(mean(p_inputImage,3),'log'); imageCannyEdge = abs(imageCannyEdge -1); imageLoG = abs(imageLoG -1);
switch size(p_inputImage,3) case 1 % SIMPLE GRAYSCALE IMAGE % get the x and y gradient [gradientx, gradienty] = gradient(mean(p_inputImage,3)); %Calculate gradient magnitude magnitude = sqrt(gradientx.*gradientx + gradienty.*gradienty); maxMag = max(magnitude(:)); %invert the magnitude map so high magnitude has low cost. %normalized to within 0:1 range magnitude = abs(magnitude./maxMag - 1);
case 3 % RGB IMAGE
% Calculate color gradient magnitude and direction using all 3 colors
[du_dx,du_dy] = gradient(p_inputImage(:,:,1));
[dv_dx,dv_dy] = gradient(p_inputImage(:,:,2));
[dw_dx,dw_dy] = gradient(p_inputImage(:,:,3));
[gradientx, gradienty, magnitude] = deal(zeros(size(du_dx)));
for ind = 1:numel(du_dx)
D=[du_dx(ind),du_dy(ind); dv_dx(ind),dv_dy(ind); dw_dx(ind), dw_dy(ind);];
[eigen_vectors, eigen_values] = eig(D'*D);
magnitude(ind) = max(diag(eigen_values));
if eigen_values(1,1) == 0 && eigen_values(2,2) == 0
continue; % gradients already zero
elseif eigen_values(1,1) > eigen_values(2,2)
gradientx(ind) = eigen_vectors(2,1);
gradienty(ind) = eigen_vectors(1,1);
magnitude = sqrt(magnitude); % Magnitudes were stored as max eigenvalue. True mag is sqrt of that.
%invert the magnitude map so high magnitude has low cost.
%normalized to within 0:1 range
magnitude = abs(magnitude./max(abs(magnitude(:))) - 1);
Sven on 23 Nov 2014
Dear "s d",
1. You didn't actually ask a question. A step-by-step guide to using some code you found without any context to what you've done or what you want to do is completely impossible. You might not have MATLAB installed, you might not have lwcontour in your path, you might not have your computer on. We don't know.
2. You chose to copy an entire file's code into your question and then asked how to use it. Did you even notice the help section at the top that tells you how to use the code? You literally copied every line of the file above and below this help but chose to ignore the help itself.
Please heed David's answer - start with "getting started".

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Answers (1)

David Young
David Young on 21 Nov 2014
Probably the best place to start is the getting started guide. You'll find the sections on functions and scripts particularly useful, but it would be wise to run through the whole thing.


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