2-way repeated measures MANOVA

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Arran on 27 Nov 2014
Hi, I have some motion tracking data that is in the format below:
where samples = sample number (1:60000)
q = value of position in each sample (X,Y,Z)
v = 1:2, video condition, 2 levels
d = 1:2, difficulty condition, 2 levels
p = participant number (1:12)
I would like to run a 2-way repeated measures across the 2 crossed conditions and for each participant in each value of position data.
I have done this before in SPSS, but this was only with a small sample and with a mean of the 60000 data points for each position (not ideal!)
The mathworks literature is a little sketchy on MANOVA, so I was wondering if anyone has any idea of how to do this? Worst case scenario I'll have to extract and run in SPSS but that is a last resort option only!

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