i got this code from mathwork.......and i m getting this error "Function definitions are not permitted in this context". Please help m

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% SLIC Simple Linear Iterative Clustering SuperPixels
% Implementation of Achanta, Shaji, Smith, Lucchi, Fua and Susstrunk's
% SLIC Superpixels
% Usage: [l, Am, Sp, d] = slic(im, k, m, seRadius, colopt, mw)
% Arguments: im - Image to be segmented.
% k - Number of desired superpixels. Note that this is nominal
% the actual number of superpixels generated will generally
% be a bit larger, espiecially if parameter m is small.
% m - Weighting factor between colour and spatial
% differences. Values from about 5 to 40 are useful. Use a
% large value to enforce superpixels with more regular and
% smoother shapes. Try a value of 10 to start with.
% seRadius - Regions morphologically smaller than this are merged with
% adjacent regions. Try a value of 1 or 1.5. Use 0 to
% disable.
% colopt - String 'mean' or 'median' indicating how the cluster
% colour centre should be computed. Defaults to 'mean'
% mw - Optional median filtering window size. Image compression
% can result in noticeable artifacts in the a*b* components
% of the image. Median filtering can reduce this. mw can be
% a single value in which case the same median filtering is
% applied to each L* a* and b* components. Alternatively it
% can be a 2-vector where mw(1) specifies the median
% filtering window to be applied to L* and mw(2) is the
% median filtering window to be applied to a* and b*.
% Returns: l - Labeled image of superpixels. Labels range from 1 to k.
% Am - Adjacency matrix of segments. Am(i, j) indicates whether
% segments labeled i and j are connected/adjacent
% Sp - Superpixel attribute structure array with fields:
% L - Mean L* value
% a - Mean a* value
% b - Mean b* value
% r - Mean row value
% c - Mean column value
% stdL - Standard deviation of L*
% stda - Standard deviation of a*
% stdb - Standard deviation of b*
% N - Number of pixels
% edges - List of edge numbers that bound each
% superpixel. This field is allocated, but not set,
% by SLIC. Use SPEDGES for this.
% d - Distance image giving the distance each pixel is from its
% associated superpixel centre.
% It is suggested that use of this function is followed by SPDBSCAN to perform a
% DBSCAN clustering of superpixels. This results in a simple and fast
% segmentation of an image.
% Minor variations from the original algorithm as defined in Achanta et al's
% paper:
% - SuperPixel centres are initialised on a hexagonal grid rather than a square
% one. This results in a segmentation that will be nominally 6-connected
% which hopefully facilitates any subsequent post-processing that seeks to
% merge superpixels.
% - Initial cluster positions are not shifted to point of lowest gradient
% within a 3x3 neighbourhood because this will be rendered irrelevant the
% first time cluster centres are updated.
% Reference: R. Achanta, A. Shaji, K. Smith, A. Lucchi, P. Fua and
% S. Susstrunk. "SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-Art Superpixel
% Methods" PAMI. Vol 34 No 11. November 2012. pp 2274-2281.
% Copyright (c) 2013 Peter Kovesi
% Centre for Exploration Targeting
% School of Earth and Environment
% The University of Western Australia
% peter.kovesi at uwa edu au
% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
% in the Software without restriction, subject to the following conditions:
% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
% all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
% The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.
% Feb 2013
% July 2013 Super pixel attributes returned as a structure array
% Note that most of the computation time is not in the clustering, but rather
% in the region cleanup process.
clear all;
close all;
im=imread('E:\project details wg\project\coding1\converted\ZX.jpg')
function [l, Am, Sp, d] = slic(im, k, m, seRadius, colopt, mw, nItr, eim, We)
if ~exist('colopt','var') || isempty(colopt), colopt = 'mean'; end
if ~exist('mw','var') || isempty(mw), mw = 0; end
if ~exist('nItr','var') || isempty(nItr), nItr = 10; end
if exist('eim', 'var'), USEDIST = 0; else, USEDIST = 1; end
if strcmp(colopt, 'mean')
centre = MEANCENTRE;
elseif strcmp(colopt, 'median')
error('Invalid colour centre computation option');
[rows, cols, chan] = size(im);
if chan ~= 3
error('Image must be colour');
% Convert image to L*a*b* colourspace. This gives us a colourspace that is
% nominally perceptually uniform. This allows us to use the euclidean
% distance between colour coordinates to measure differences between
% colours. Note the image becomes double after conversion. We may want to
% go to signed shorts to save memory.
im = rgb2lab(im);
% Apply median filtering to colour components if mw has been supplied
% and/or non-zero
if mw
if length(mw) == 1
mw(2) = mw(1); % Use same filtering for L and chrominance
for n = 1:3
im(:,:,n) = medfilt2(im(:,:,n), [mw(1) mw(1)]);
% Nominal spacing between grid elements assuming hexagonal grid
S = sqrt(rows*cols / (k * sqrt(3)/2));
% Get nodes per row allowing a half column margin at one end that alternates
% from row to row
nodeCols = round(cols/S - 0.5);
% Given an integer number of nodes per row recompute S
S = cols/(nodeCols + 0.5);
% Get number of rows of nodes allowing 0.5 row margin top and bottom
nodeRows = round(rows/(sqrt(3)/2*S));
vSpacing = rows/nodeRows;
% Recompute k
k = nodeRows * nodeCols;
% Allocate memory and initialise clusters, labels and distances.
C = zeros(6,k); % Cluster centre data 1:3 is mean Lab value,
% 4:5 is row, col of centre, 6 is No of pixels
l = -ones(rows, cols); % Pixel labels.
d = inf(rows, cols); % Pixel distances from cluster centres.
% Initialise clusters on a hexagonal grid
kk = 1;
r = vSpacing/2;
for ri = 1:nodeRows
% Following code alternates the starting column for each row of grid
% points to obtain a hexagonal pattern. Note S and vSpacing are kept
% as doubles to prevent errors accumulating across the grid.
if mod(ri,2), c = S/2; else, c = S; end
for ci = 1:nodeCols
cc = round(c); rr = round(r);
C(1:5, kk) = [squeeze(im(rr,cc,:)); cc; rr];
c = c+S;
kk = kk+1;
r = r+vSpacing;
% Now perform the clustering. 10 iterations is suggested but I suspect n
% could be as small as 2 or even 1
S = round(S); % We need S to be an integer from now on
for n = 1:nItr
for kk = 1:k % for each cluster
% Get subimage around cluster
rmin = max(C(5,kk)-S, 1); rmax = min(C(5,kk)+S, rows);
cmin = max(C(4,kk)-S, 1); cmax = min(C(4,kk)+S, cols);
subim = im(rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax, :);
assert(numel(subim) > 0)
% Compute distances D between C(:,kk) and subimage
D = dist(C(:, kk), subim, rmin, cmin, S, m);
D = dist2(C(:, kk), subim, rmin, cmin, S, m, eim, We);
% If any pixel distance from the cluster centre is less than its
% previous value update its distance and label
subd = d(rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax);
subl = l(rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax);
updateMask = D < subd;
subd(updateMask) = D(updateMask);
subl(updateMask) = kk;
d(rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax) = subd;
l(rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax) = subl;
% Update cluster centres with mean values
C(:) = 0;
for r = 1:rows
for c = 1:cols
tmp = [im(r,c,1); im(r,c,2); im(r,c,3); c; r; 1];
C(:, l(r,c)) = C(:, l(r,c)) + tmp;
% Divide by number of pixels in each superpixel to get mean values
for kk = 1:k
C(1:5,kk) = round(C(1:5,kk)/C(6,kk));
% Note the residual error, E, is not calculated because we are using a
% fixed number of iterations
% Cleanup small orphaned regions and 'spurs' on each region using
% morphological opening on each labeled region. The cleaned up regions are
% assigned to the nearest cluster. The regions are renumbered and the
% adjacency matrix regenerated. This is needed because the cleanup is
% likely to change the number of labeled regions.
[l, Am] = mcleanupregions(l, seRadius);
% Recompute the final superpixel attributes and write information into
% the Sp struct array.
N = length(Am);
Sp = struct('L', cell(1,N), 'a', cell(1,N), 'b', cell(1,N), ...
'stdL', cell(1,N), 'stda', cell(1,N), 'stdb', cell(1,N), ...
'r', cell(1,N), 'c', cell(1,N), 'N', cell(1,N));
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:cols, 1:rows);
L = im(:,:,1);
A = im(:,:,2);
B = im(:,:,3);
for n = 1:N
mask = l==n;
nm = sum(mask(:));
if centre == MEANCENTRE
Sp(n).L = sum(L(mask))/nm;
Sp(n).a = sum(A(mask))/nm;
Sp(n).b = sum(B(mask))/nm;
elseif centre == MEDIANCENTRE
Sp(n).L = median(L(mask));
Sp(n).a = median(A(mask));
Sp(n).b = median(B(mask));
Sp(n).r = sum(Y(mask))/nm;
Sp(n).c = sum(X(mask))/nm;
% Compute standard deviations of the colour components of each super
% pixel. This can be used by code seeking to merge superpixels into
% image segments. Note these are calculated relative to the mean colour
% component irrespective of the centre being calculated from the mean or
% median colour component values.
Sp(n).stdL = std(L(mask));
Sp(n).stda = std(A(mask));
Sp(n).stdb = std(B(mask));
Sp(n).N = nm; % Record number of pixels in superpixel too.
%-- dist -------------------------------------------
% Usage: D = dist(C, im, r1, c1, S, m)
% Arguments: C - Cluster being considered
% im - sub-image surrounding cluster centre
% r1, c1 - row and column of top left corner of sub image within the
% overall image.
% S - grid spacing
% m - weighting factor between colour and spatial differences.
% Returns: D - Distance image giving distance of every pixel in the
% subimage from the cluster centre
% Distance = sqrt( dc^2 + (ds/S)^2*m^2 )
% where:
% dc = sqrt(dl^2 + da^2 + db^2) % Colour distance
% ds = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2) % Spatial distance
% m is a weighting factor representing the nominal maximum colour distance
% expected so that one can rank colour similarity relative to distance
% similarity. try m in the range [1-40] for L*a*b* space
% ?? Might be worth trying the Geometric Mean instead ??
% Distance = sqrt(dc * ds)
% but having a factor 'm' to play with is probably handy
% This code could be more efficient
function D = dist(C, im, r1, c1, S, m)
% Squared spatial distance
% ds is a fixed 'image' we should be able to exploit this
% and use a fixed meshgrid for much of the time somehow...
[rows, cols, chan] = size(im);
[x,y] = meshgrid(c1:(c1+cols-1), r1:(r1+rows-1));
x = x-C(4); % x and y dist from cluster centre
y = y-C(5);
ds2 = x.^2 + y.^2;
% Squared colour difference
for n = 1:3
im(:,:,n) = (im(:,:,n)-C(n)).^2;
dc2 = sum(im,3);
D = sqrt(dc2 + ds2/S^2*m^2);
%--- dist2 ------------------------------------------
% Usage: D = dist2(C, im, r1, c1, S, m, eim)
% Arguments: C - Cluster being considered
% im - sub-image surrounding cluster centre
% r1, c1 - row and column of top left corner of sub image within the
% overall image.
% S - grid spacing
% m - weighting factor between colour and spatial differences.
% eim - Edge strength sub-image corresponding to im
% Returns: D - Distance image giving distance of every pixel in the
% subimage from the cluster centre
% Distance = sqrt( dc^2 + (ds/S)^2*m^2 )
% where:
% dc = sqrt(dl^2 + da^2 + db^2) % Colour distance
% ds = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2) % Spatial distance
% m is a weighting factor representing the nominal maximum colour distance
% expected so that one can rank colour similarity relative to distance
% similarity. try m in the range [1-40] for L*a*b* space
function D = dist2(C, im, r1, c1, S, m, eim, We)
% Squared spatial distance
% ds is a fixed 'image' we should be able to exploit this
% and use a fixed meshgrid for much of the time somehow...
[rows, cols, chan] = size(im);
[x,y] = meshgrid(c1:(c1+cols-1), r1:(r1+rows-1));
x = x-C(4);
y = y-C(5);
ds2 = x.^2 + y.^2;
% Squared colour difference
for n = 1:3
im(:,:,n) = (im(:,:,n)-C(n)).^2;
dc2 = sum(im,3);
% Combine colour and spatial distance measure
D = sqrt(dc2 + ds2/S^2*m^2);
% for every pixel in the subimage call improfile to the cluster centre
% and use the largest value as the 'edge distance'
rCentre = C(5)-r1; % Cluster centre coords relative to this sub-image
cCentre = C(4)-c1;
de = zeros(rows,cols);
for r = 1:rows
for c = 1:cols
v = improfile(eim,[c cCentre], [r rCentre]);
de(r,c) = max(v);
% Combine edge distance with weight, We with total Distance.
D = D + We * de;
  1 Comment
Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser on 17 Dec 2014
I am not sure if I understand this. You received this code from somebody at MathWorks, have difficulties to implement it and now publish the code to the world without data and error description? Wouldn't it be easier to continue to work with this MathWorks employee?

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Answers (1)

Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes on 20 Dec 2014
Tripti - note the lines of code just after the file header comments
clear all;
close all;
im=imread('E:\project details wg\project\coding1\converted\ZX.jpg')
function [l, Am, Sp, d] = slic(im, k, m, seRadius, colopt, mw, nItr, eim,We)
You have four lines of code before the function signature, hence the error message. The first non-comment in the file must be the function signature. If you wish to call this function with im as an input, in remove these four lines of code, save the file, and on the command window type
clear all;
close all;
im=imread('E:\project details wg\project\coding1\converted\ZX.jpg')
[l, Am, Sp, d] = slic(im, ...);
and pass appropriate values for the other input parameters to this function.

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