How do I structure a code that can read this AVL .vm file format?

6 views (last 30 days)
Dear all,
I am trying to build a code that can read the shear/bending moment along the airplane span that i am simulating. In fact, the only information that a need , it´s the numeric values (in vectors) for shear/bending moment along the span for each one of the surfaces (for these case, there are 4 surfaces). The example file can be seen below:
Shear/q and Bending Moment/q vs Y
Configuration: erj190_WBZ
Mach = 0.200
alpha = 2.220 CLtot = 0.500
beta = 0.000
Sref = 92.50000
Bref = 27.77000
Surface: 1
2Ymin/Bref = 0.117565721
2Ymax/Bref = 1.07207060
2Y/Bref Vz/(q*Sref) Mx/(q*Bref*Sref)
0.1176 0.228546 0.446145E-01
0.1181 0.227899 0.443709E-01
0.1224 0.226586 0.438857E-01
0.1309 0.223899 0.429283E-01
0.1436 0.219784 0.415245E-01
0.1603 0.214221 0.397131E-01
0.1809 0.207237 0.375443E-01
0.2052 0.198910 0.350783E-01
0.2330 0.189369 0.323829E-01
0.2640 0.178798 0.295297E-01
0.3010 0.166398 0.263350E-01
0.3440 0.152447 0.229116E-01
0.3863 0.139256 0.198313E-01
0.4273 0.126942 0.171052E-01
0.4699 0.114626 0.145352E-01
0.5137 0.102491 0.121598E-01
0.5583 0.907087E-01 0.100069E-01
0.6034 0.794377E-01 0.809351E-02
0.6484 0.688126E-01 0.642638E-02
0.6930 0.589413E-01 0.500275E-02
0.7368 0.499010E-01 0.381193E-02
0.7796 0.416836E-01 0.283193E-02
0.8211 0.343029E-01 0.204462E-02
0.8606 0.277970E-01 0.143204E-02
0.8978 0.221447E-01 0.968652E-03
0.9322 0.173112E-01 0.628999E-03
0.9749 0.118704E-01 0.320182E-03
1.0087 0.774024E-02 0.149107E-03
1.0255 0.540175E-02 0.790275E-04
1.0407 0.316395E-02 0.309609E-04
1.0530 0.157737E-02 0.938115E-05
1.0623 0.600948E-03 0.186567E-05
1.0685 0.132440E-03 0.165978E-06
1.0717 0.811139E-05 0.236596E-08
1.0721 0.00000 0.00000
Surface: 2
2Ymin/Bref = -1.07207060
2Ymax/Bref = -0.117565721
2Y/Bref Vz/(q*Sref) Mx/(q*Bref*Sref)
-0.1176 0.228546 -0.446146E-01
-0.1181 0.227899 -0.443709E-01
-0.1224 0.226586 -0.438858E-01
-0.1309 0.223899 -0.429284E-01
-0.1436 0.219784 -0.415246E-01
-0.1603 0.214221 -0.397131E-01
-0.1809 0.207237 -0.375443E-01
-0.2052 0.198910 -0.350784E-01
-0.2330 0.189369 -0.323829E-01
-0.2640 0.178798 -0.295297E-01
-0.3010 0.166398 -0.263350E-01
-0.3440 0.152447 -0.229116E-01
-0.3863 0.139256 -0.198313E-01
-0.4273 0.126942 -0.171053E-01
-0.4699 0.114627 -0.145352E-01
-0.5137 0.102491 -0.121598E-01
-0.5583 0.907087E-01 -0.100069E-01
-0.6034 0.794378E-01 -0.809353E-02
-0.6484 0.688127E-01 -0.642640E-02
-0.6930 0.589414E-01 -0.500276E-02
-0.7368 0.499011E-01 -0.381194E-02
-0.7796 0.416837E-01 -0.283194E-02
-0.8211 0.343030E-01 -0.204463E-02
-0.8606 0.277971E-01 -0.143204E-02
-0.8978 0.221448E-01 -0.968657E-03
-0.9322 0.173112E-01 -0.629003E-03
-0.9749 0.118704E-01 -0.320185E-03
-1.0087 0.774031E-02 -0.149108E-03
-1.0255 0.540181E-02 -0.790280E-04
-1.0407 0.316397E-02 -0.309611E-04
-1.0530 0.157738E-02 -0.938116E-05
-1.0623 0.600949E-03 -0.186567E-05
-1.0685 0.132441E-03 -0.165978E-06
-1.0717 0.811140E-05 -0.236596E-08
-1.0721 0.00000 -0.00000
Surface: 3
2Ymin/Bref = 0.00000000
2Ymax/Bref = 0.117565721
2Y/Bref Vz/(q*Sref) Mx/(q*Bref*Sref)
0.0000 0.330557E-01 0.100437E-02
0.0045 0.291099E-01 0.775977E-03
0.0363 0.211989E-01 0.406315E-03
0.0813 0.979557E-02 0.842378E-04
0.1131 0.129067E-02 0.277770E-05
0.1176 0.00000 0.00000
Surface: 4
2Ymin/Bref = -0.117565721
2Ymax/Bref = 0.00000000
2Y/Bref Vz/(q*Sref) Mx/(q*Bref*Sref)
0.0000 0.330557E-01 -0.100437E-02
-0.0045 0.291099E-01 -0.775977E-03
-0.0363 0.211989E-01 -0.406315E-03
-0.0813 0.979557E-02 -0.842378E-04
-0.1131 0.129067E-02 -0.277770E-05
-0.1176 0.00000 -0.00000
I´ve tried to use the function textread, but until now without success. Could anyone help me?
Thanks! Iury

Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 4 Jan 2015
Edited: Stephen23 on 4 Jan 2015
This function I just wrote seems to do the trick:
function A = AVLread(fnm)
% Read the entire file into one string:
txt = fileread(fnm);
% Find sections starting 'key: value':
[S,E,T] = regexpi(txt, '^\s*([A-Z]*):\s*(\w*?)\s*$', 'start', 'end', 'tokens', 'lineanchors');
T = vertcat(T{:});
S = [S,numel(txt)];
% Get all numeric values in the first section:
X = regexpi(txt(E(1):S(2)), '([A-Z]+)\s*=\s*(\d+(\.\d+)?)', 'tokens');
X = [X{:}];
X(2:2:end) = cellfun(@(s) sscanf(s,'%f'), X(2:2:end), 'UniformOutput',false);
A = struct(X{:});
% Get the title and configuration:
A.(T{1,1}) = T{1,2};
A.Title = regexpi(txt, '(?<=^\s*)[A-Z].+?(?=\s*$)', 'match', 'once', 'lineanchors');
% Get each remaining section:
fun = @(z,s) regexpi(z, ['(?<=',s,'\S+\s*=\s*)\S+(?=\s*$)'], 'match', 'once', 'lineanchors');
for k = 2:numel(E)
N = sprintf('%s_%s',T{k,:});
Z = txt(1+E(k):S(k+1));
% Get surface type:
A.(N).Type = regexpi(Z, '(?<=\s*)\w+', 'match', 'once');
% Get min/max:
A.(N).min2Y = sscanf(fun(Z,'min'),'%f');
A.(N).max2Y = sscanf(fun(Z,'max'),'%f');
% Indices of the matrix:
[s,e] = regexpi(Z, '(^\s*\S+\s+[^\s=]+\s+\S+\s*$)+', 'lineanchors');
% Get matrix header:
A.(N).Header = regexpi(Z(s(1):e(1)), '(?<=\s*)\S+', 'match');
% Get matrix data:
A.(N).Data = reshape(sscanf(Z(s(2):e(end)),'%f'), 3,[]).';
Just call it with the filename of the data file:
A = AVLread('test.vm')
Note that it returns all of data in one structure. All numeric data are converted to double. If you double-click the structure in your workspace then you can browse through it: the arrangement should be fairly self-explanatory.
Iury on 7 Jan 2015
Thank you again Stephen! This has solved my problem. Thank you for the information and tips.

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