How can I solve this error message: "To Reshape the number of elements must not change"?

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Here I place the error msg first.
read complete ??? Error using ==> reshape To RESHAPE the number of elements must not change.
Error in ==> ggmplus2013_v4 at 301 S = reshape(S,te,te);
Here comes the code. Please help me in solving this.
%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % % ggmplus2013_v4 % %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Purpose: Seamless extraction of GGMplus gravity field functionals % from GGMplus binary files %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % % Input: % functional: GGMplus functional to extract. % values: 'geoid', 'gravity','acceleration' 'xi', 'eta' % % minlon1/maxlon1/minlat1/maxlat1: geodetic coordinates of % the selection area % % facX,facY: resolution scaling factors % facX,facY = 1 : returns data at 7.2 arc-sec resolution % no interpolation. % facX,facY > 1 : upsamples the data to higher resolution % than 7.2 arc-sec, interpolation required % facX,facY < 1 : downsamples the data to lower resolution % than 7.2 arc-sec, interpolation required % path_basis: Name of path where the GGMplus data folders are located % % nodataval: Desired value to be assigned outside the data area % (e.g, offshore or North of 60 deg/ South of -60 deg % latitude). % % method: interpolation method applied when facX,facY are not % equal to 1. 'cubic' is recommended. Parameter is % ignored when facX,facY = 1. % %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Output: % X meshgrid-compatible matrix with longitudes % Y meshgrid-compatible matrix with latitudes % Z matrix with extracted GGMplus functional % %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % % Example call: % % [X,Y,Z] = ggmplus2013_v4('gravity', 5,10,44,48,1,1,'E:\GGMplus\bin',0,'linear') % %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % % Notes: % % -when facX=facY=1, data is extracted without interpolation. % This means that X and Y do not necessarily match % exactly the minlon1/maxlon1/minlat1/maxlat1 selection area % % -when there is interpolation, data is interpolated to a line-registrated % grid matching exactly minlon1,maxlon1,minlat,maxlat1 % %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Christian Hirt % WA Centre for Geodesy % Curtin University % Perth % last edited 2013-05-30 %------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [X,Y,Z] = ggmplus2013_v4(functional, minlon1,maxlon1,minlat1,maxlat1,... facX,facY,path_basis,nodataval,method)
curr_dir = pwd;
%------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 1 - assign constant parameters (res, tilesize, infofile) %-------------------------------------------------------------------------
% some constant that apply for all GGMplus grids -------------------------
machineform = 'ieee-be'; tilesize = 5; resolution = 7.2/3600; tileelems = 2500; % elements in lat and lon direction
% constants that are different for the functionals ------------------------ switch functional case {'geoid'} conv_factor = 1000; % mm to m suffix = '.ha'; path_tiles = fullfile(path_basis, 'geoid' ); storagetype = 'int32'; init_nodata = -2^31;
case {'gravity','grav_disturbance'}
conv_factor = 10; % 0.1 mGal to mGal
suffix = '.dg';
path_tiles = fullfile(path_basis, 'dg' );
storagetype = 'int16';
init_nodata = -2^15;
case {'acceleration','grav_acceleration'}
conv_factor = 10; % 0.1 mGal to mGal
suffix = '.ga';
path_tiles = fullfile(path_basis, 'ga' );
storagetype = 'int32';
init_nodata = -2^31;
case {'xi'}
conv_factor = 10; % 0.1 arc-sec to arc-sec
suffix = '.xi';
path_tiles = fullfile(path_basis, 'xi' );
storagetype = 'int16';
init_nodata = -2^15;
case {'eta'}
conv_factor = 10; % 0.1 arc-sec to arc-sec
suffix = '.eta';
path_tiles = fullfile(path_basis, 'eta' );
storagetype = 'int16';
init_nodata = -2^15;
% * fac 1 means no interpolation carried out, data is passed through. % * fac > 1 or < 1 means interpolation required and selection area % extended by a small strip of 0.1 deg width
if(facX==1&facY==1) % no interpolation interpflag = 0; tolarea = 0; else interpflag = 1; tolarea = 0.1; % extension in deg to either side
%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 2 extend selection area to match the dimensions of dem tiles %------------------------------------------------------------------------
% minlon1,maxlon1 etc are the original boundaries passed to the function % minlon2,maxlon2 etc are those extended by areatol. If facs ==1, the % values are the same
minlon2=minlon1-tolarea; maxlon2=maxlon1+tolarea; minlat2=minlat1-tolarea; maxlat2=maxlat1+tolarea;
% min coordinates of most eastern, and western etc tiles to be accessed Sall_minlon = floor (minlon2/tilesize)*tilesize; Sall_maxlon = floor (maxlon2/tilesize)*tilesize; Sall_minlat = floor (minlat2/tilesize)*tilesize; Sall_maxlat = floor (maxlat2/tilesize)*tilesize;
Sall_lonvec =Sall_minlon:tilesize:Sall_maxlon; Sall_latvec =Sall_minlat:tilesize:Sall_maxlat; sn=length(Sall_lonvec); sm=length(Sall_latvec);
[Sall_lonmat Sall_latmat] = meshgrid(Sall_lonvec,Sall_latvec);
Slonmat= reshape(Sall_lonmat,sn*sm,1); Slatmat= reshape(Sall_latmat,sn*sm,1); ntiles = length(Slonmat); clear Sall_*
%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 3 get filenames for the tiles that will be accessed %------------------------------------------------------------------------ no = 0; for min_lon = -180-tilesize:tilesize:180 for min_lat = -90:tilesize:90-tilesize
no = no +1;
minlonf = min_lon;
minlatf = min_lat;
minlonf = minlonf+360;
minlonf = minlonf-360;
temp1 = getfilename2012(minlatf,minlonf);
outfilename = strcat(temp1,suffix);
fchar(no,1) = cellstr(outfilename);
flon(no) = min_lon;
flat(no) = min_lat;
flat = flat'; flon = flon'; fchar = char(fchar);
%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 4 intersect %------------------------------------------------------------------------ ix= []; for i = 1:ntiles ixt = find(flat==Slatmat(i)&flon==Slonmat(i)); ix = [ix ixt]; end % ix is now a vector containing indices to all source tiles
% these are the tiles that we have to access slatmin =flat(ix); % vectors (ntiles, 1) slonmin =flon(ix); slatmax =slatmin+tilesize; slonmax =slonmin+tilesize;
disp(' tiles to be accessed') tilenames = char(fchar(ix,:)); % vectors (ntiles, 1)
ntilesfound = length(ix);
clear Slatmat Slonmat fchar flat flon
%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 5 initialise target matrix %------------------------------------------------------------------------
% use integer coordinates to 0.01 sec cell-centred fac=3600*100; r = int32(resolution*fac); % resolution r2 =int32(r/2); % half-resolution
% this determines the definite geometry of the target matrix Amin_lat = int32(floor(minlat2*fac/r)*r+r2); Amax_lat = int32(floor(maxlat2*fac/r)*r-r2); Amin_lon = int32(floor(minlon2*fac/r)*r+r2); Amax_lon = int32(floor(maxlon2*fac/r)*r-r2); % corner coordinates and vectors and r in 0.01 arc sec and exactly match % the source data
Avec_lat = Amin_lat:r:Amax_lat; Avec_lon = Amin_lon:r:Amax_lon; An1 = length(Avec_lat); Am1 = length(Avec_lon);
% Initialize target tile clear A A=double(ones(An1,Am1)*NaN);
%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 6 fill the matrix with data from binary files %------------------------------------------------------------------------ for i = 1:ntilesfound
% step A ----------------------------------------------------------
% build vectors for the source matrix
Smin_lat = int32(slatmin(i)*fac+r2);
Smax_lat = int32(slatmax(i)*fac-r2);
Smin_lon = int32(slonmin(i)*fac+r2);
Smax_lon = int32(slonmax(i)*fac-r2);
Svec_lat = Smin_lat:r:Smax_lat;
Svec_lon = Smin_lon:r:Smax_lon;
clear Smin_lat Smax_lat Smin_lon Smax_lon
% step B intersect and return common lat/lon values ----------------
a_lat = intersect (Svec_lat, Avec_lat);
a_lon = intersect (Svec_lon, Avec_lon);
n_elems_lat = length(a_lat);
n_elems_lon = length(a_lon);
if(n_elems_lat&n_elems_lon) % both have be at least one
% step C find the four source and four target indices --------------
% Destination indices lat
Aix_lat_min = find(Avec_lat==a_lat(1));
Aix_lat_max = find(Avec_lat==a_lat(end));
% Source indices lat
Six_lat_min = find(Svec_lat==a_lat(1));
Six_lat_max = find(Svec_lat==a_lat(end));
% Destination indices lat
Aix_lon_min = find(Avec_lon==a_lon(1));
Aix_lon_max = find(Avec_lon==a_lon(end));
% Source indices lat
Six_lon_min = find(Svec_lon==a_lon(1));
Six_lon_max = find(Svec_lon==a_lon(end));
% step D open file only if exists -----------------------------------
te = tileelems;
tilename_in = tilenames(i,:);
%a = strcat('read file',{' '},tilename_in);
disp('read file')
fid = fopen(tilename_in,'rb');
S = fread(fid,te*te,storagetype,machineform);
disp('read complete')
S = reshape(S,te,te);
%%CH 20130527 temporary use of NaN over no-data areas to avoid
% interpolation edge effects
% copy data block
A(Aix_lat_min:Aix_lat_max,Aix_lon_min:Aix_lon_max)= ...
clear Svec_lon Svec_lat Aix* Six* a_lat a_lon S
disp(['file ',tilename_in,' does not exist'])
disp(' this tile does not intersect with target area')
%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 7 build the X and Y matrices %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % convert the basis vectors from integer and 0.01 sec to double and deg Avec_lon = double(Avec_lon)/fac; Avec_lat = double(Avec_lat)/fac;
[AX AY] = meshgrid(Avec_lon,Avec_lat);
%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 8 interpolate only if fac not 1 %------------------------------------------------------------------------
if(interpflag == 1) disp(strcat(' interpolate',{' '},method))
% build target grid, exact match with input minmax boundaries ---------
res_targetX = resolution*facX;
res_targetY = resolution*facY;
% use exact area (minlon1, maxlon1 etc) for interpolation
B_veclon = minlon1:res_targetX:maxlon1;
B_veclat = minlat1:res_targetY:maxlat1;
[BX BY] = meshgrid(B_veclon,B_veclat);
% carry out the interpolation in blocks -------------------------------
[n2 m2] = size(BX);
anz_bloecke = 5;
blocksize2 = floor(n2/anz_bloecke);
min2 = 1;
max2 = min2+blocksize2;
for i = 1:anz_bloecke
B(min2:max2,1:m2) = interp2(AX,AY,A,BX(min2:max2,1:m2),BY(min2:max2,1:m2),method);
min2 = min2+blocksize2+1;
max2 = min2+blocksize2;
if (i==anz_bloecke-1)
max2 = n2;
clear AX AY A
X = BX;
clear BX
Y = BY;
clear BY
Z = B;
clear B
disp(' interpolation finished')
else disp(' pass extracted data directly.')
X = AX;
clear AX
Y = AY;
clear AY
Z = A;
clear A
%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 9 apply scale factor %------------------------------------------------------------------------ Z = Z/conv_factor; % this scales the GGMplus matrix to the basic unit
%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 10 find all nodata values and assign user-defined nodataval %------------------------------------------------------------------------ Z(isnan(Z))=nodataval;
cd(curr_dir) clear A* B* C* D* E* F* G* H* I* L* M* N* P* T* clear a* b* c* d* e* f* g* h* i* l* m* n* p* t* s* r*
%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Function getfilename2012 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ function name = getfilename2012(lat, lon)
d_int = lat; c_int = lon;
if (d_int>=0) temp1 = 'N'; else temp1 = 'S'; end if (abs(d_int)<10) temp1 = strcat(temp1,'0'); end
c = sprintf('%i',c_int);
d = sprintf('%i',abs(d_int));
temp3 = strcat(temp1,d);
if (c_int>=0)
temp4 = strcat(temp3,'E');
temp4 = strcat(temp3,'W');
if (abs(c_int)<100)
temp4 = strcat(temp4,'0');
if (abs(c_int)<10)
temp4 = strcat(temp4,'0');
c = sprintf('%i',abs(c_int));
name = strcat(temp4,c);
%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % End %------------------------------------------------------------------------

Answers (1)

Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer on 6 Jan 2015
Hi Satish,
we will not be able to debug your code ... But you should be able to do your self:
  • Put a breakpoint on the line where the error happen, i.e. line 301 of ggmplus2013_v4.m
  • Take a look at S and te: the matrix S should have te*te elements, i.e., te*te and numel(S) must give the same result. If not, this error is thrown.
  • Investigate why numel(S) and te*te is not equal ...
Hope this helps,


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