How can i calculate the percentage of error?

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I have this code:
%%Loading data
% first column stores the wine class according to wine.names file
%%Getting the mean of each class for the 13 parameters
meanEachClass=arrayfun(@(x) mean( wine( wine(:,1)==x ,2:end) ), 1:nClass,'UniformOutput',false);
%%Now checking the euclidean distance of a sample
% relative to the mean of each class
for i=1:nSampleToTest
% Randomly choosing a sample
% calculate the Eudlidian distance to each class.
distances=arrayfun(@(x) norm(sample-meanEachClass{x}), 1:nClass, 'UniformOutput',true);
disp(sprintf('Sample #%d',sampleNo))
disp(sprintf('Distance: \n Class 1: %f \n Class 2: %f \n Class 3: %f \n',distances(1),distances(2),distances(3)));
disp(sprintf('Based on distance, Sample seems to belong to class %d\n', find(distances==min(distances))))
disp(sprintf('According to the database, sample belongs to class %d\n',wine(sampleNo,1)))
Here is the database: I found that some of the random vectors chosen are belonging to the class 2 for example and the algorithm points to class 1. How can i calculate the percentage of the algorithm precision ? Can you provide me some code?

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 25 Jan 2015
You need to look at what class you think it is and compare it to what class it actually is:
Before the loop:
truePositives = zeros(1, nSampleToTest); % Initialize.
Inside the loop:
[~, myClass] = find(distances==min(distances));
trueClass = wine(sampleNo,1);
if myClass == trueClass
% Accurately determined the class.
truePositives(sampleNo) = 1
After the loop:
overallAccuracyPercentage = 100 * sum(truePositives) / nSampleToTest;

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