matlab-arduino serial communication

17 views (last 30 days)
Handel on 3 Oct 2011
Answered: navin gopaul on 30 May 2014
hi, i have these code in matlab. this code allow send data for turn on and off some leds in a given sequence:
%Comunicación serial Arduino-MatLab
clear all;
close all;
a = serial('COM3','BaudRate',9600);
b = [100;200;300;400];
c = [200;300;400;100];
d = [300;400;100;200];
e = [400;100;200;300];
k = size(b);
bs = num2str(b);
cs = num2str(c);
ds = num2str(d);
es = num2str(e);
for i = 1: k(1)
send(i,1:12) = strcat(bs(i,1:3),cs(i,1:3),ds(i,1:3),es(i,1:3));
sis = size(send);
sendt = send';
for i = 1: sis(1)*sis(2)
sendr(i) = sendt(i);
the arduno code is that:
//Comunicación serial MatLab-Arduino
int incomingbyte[4][3]; //matriz de datos (byte) leidos
/*Declaramos las variables correspondientes a los pines que
encenderán o apagarán a medida que llegan las instrucciones*/
int LedPin13 = 13; //Pin 13 donde el LEDse apagará o encenderá dependiendo de los dattos recibidos
int LedPin10 = 10;
int LedPin7 = 7;
int LedPin3 = 4;
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); //abrir puerto serial y estblecer la velocidad en baudios (bps)
//abrimos los pines como puertos de salida//
pinMode(LedPin13, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LedPin10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LedPin7, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LedPin3, OUTPUT);
void loop()
if(Serial.available() > 0)
int i;
int j;
for(i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1)
for(j = 0; j < 3; j = j + 1)
incomingbyte[i][j] =; // lee el byte entrante
int tiempo[4];
int g;
for(g = 0; g < 4; g = g + 1)
tiempo[g] = (incomingbyte[g][0] - 48)*100 + (incomingbyte[g][1] - 48)*10 + (incomingbyte[g][2] - 48);
digitalWrite(LedPin13, HIGH);//encender el LED
digitalWrite(LedPin13, LOW);//apagar el LED
digitalWrite(LedPin10, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LedPin10, LOW);
digitalWrite(LedPin7, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LedPin7, LOW);
digitalWrite(LedPin3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LedPin3, LOW);
my problem is that matlab cant send the sendr matrix from the script but in command windows i write the same last line ("fwrite(a,sendr)") then it can run successfully.
thanks a lot for the aid.

Answers (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 3 Oct 2011
The entire MATLAB part of the program after the fopen() can be replaced by
fprintf(a, '%3d',b,c,d,e);
However, in the general case that does not match the input expected by the C program you show, as the code you have also does not match the input expected. To repair, instead use
fprintf(a, '%03d',b,c,d,e);
so that values that happen to be less than 100 have leading 0s put in. (Your existing code would generate spaces in that case, but spaces are not expected by the C code.)

navin gopaul
navin gopaul on 30 May 2014
I got here looking for an answer. solves my problem, thanks.


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