Mass-Spring-Damper system, how to set limitations for time?

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I have built a code for a Mass-Spring-Damper system but can't figure out how to define the time on the x-axis plot for 0-5 seconds in 1/10 increments..Any help is appreciated! Code is below..
% Mass-Spring-Damper System
m = 450; % mass of the systemkg; k = 26519.2; % stiffness of the spring (N/m); c = 1000; % damping coefficient (N s/m); z = c/ (2*(k*m)^.5); % damping factor (zeta); T = (2*m)/c; % relaxation time (s); x0 = 0.539567; % initial displacement meters ; v0 = 1.0; % initial velocity (m/s); w0 = (k/m)^.5; % natural frequency (rads/s); np = 1/T; % settling quickness; syms t; % time variable
% Response of MSD System
if z < 1 wd = w0* (1-z^2)^.5; % underdamped system; A = x0; B = (v0+(1/T)*x0)/wd;
xud = exp(-np*t)*(A*cos(wd*t)+B*sin(wd*t)); % displacement x(t)
xudot = diff(xud,t,1); % velocity x'(t) ;
xudoubledot = diff(xud,t,2); % acceleration x''(t) ;
if c == 0
sprintf('Undamped Oscillatory Response of System' )
sprintf('Solution: x(t)= %.5f*cos(%.5f.*t)+%.5f*sin(%.5f.*t)',A,wd,B,wd)
sprintf(['Damping Factor is ' num2str(z,3) ' .\nUnderdamped Oscillatory Response of System'])
sprintf('Solution: xud = exp(-%.5ft)(%.5fcos(%.5ft)+%.5fsin(%.5ft)',np, A,wd,B,wd)
elseif z == 1
cc1 = x0;
cc2 = v0-np*x0;
xud = cc1*exp(-np*t)+cc2*t*exp(-np*t);
xudot = diff(xud,t,1);
xudoubledot = diff(xud,t,2);
sprintf(['Damping Factor is ' num2str(z,3) ' .\nCritically Damped Oscillatory Response of System'])
sprintf('Solution: xud = %.5f.*exp(-%.5f.*t) + %.5f.*t.*exp(%.5f.*t) ', cc1,np,cc2,np)
r1 = (-np + sqrt(np^2 - w0^2));
r2 = (-np - sqrt(np^2 - w0^2));
c1 = (x0*r2-v0)/(r2-r1);
c2 = (v0-c1*r1)/r2;
xud = c1*exp(r1*t) + c2*exp(r2*t);
xudot = diff(xud,t,1);
xudoubledot = diff(xud,t,2);
sprintf(['Damping Factor is ' num2str(z,3) ' .\nOverdamped Transient Response of System'])
sprintf('Solution: xud = %.5f*exp(-%.5f.*t) + %.5f*exp(-%.5f.*t) ', c1,r1,c2,r2)
tV = 0:T/500:T; %resultant time vector
%variable substitution of result for t, resulting in data vectorization
xudV = subs(xud,t,tV); xudotV = subs(xudot,t,tV); xudoubledotV = subs(xudoubledot,t,tV);
% Tables
columnheader = {'Time','Disp','Spd','Acc'};
trix = [tV' double(xudV)' double(xudotV)' double(xudoubledotV)']; format short
disp(columnheader) disp(trix)
% Excel results
exlFile = 'table.xlsx'; xlswrite(exlFile, trix)
save trix.out trix -ASCII
figure plot(tV, xudV, 'b', tV, xudotV, 'r--', tV, xudoubledotV, 'm:') title('Displacement, Speed, and Acceleration Simple MSD Systems') xlabel('Time (seconds)'); ylabel(' Displacement (m), Velocity (m/s), Acceleration (m/s^2)');
legend({'Displacement ','Velocity ','Acceleration '}, 'Location', 'northeast');

Answers (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 3 Feb 2015
In an ideal world, it would be possible to define the 'XMinorTick' locations. This isn’t an ideal world, so this will have to do in the interim:
x = rand(1, 50)*5; % Create Data
y = rand(1, 50); % Create Data
plot(x, y, 'bp') % Plot Your ODE Solution Here
hold on
tl = diff(ylim)*0.025;
plot([0:5; 0:5], [zeros(1,6); ones(1,6)]*tl, 'k', 'LineWidth',0.5)
hold off
xtlbl = repmat({' '}, 1, 51);
xtlbl([0:10:50]+1) = {'0'; '1'; '2'; '3'; '4'; '5'};
set(gca, 'XTick', [0:0.1:5], 'XTickLabel',xtlbl)
axis([0 5 ylim])
I did not run your code, but defaulted to simply addressing th plot issue.


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