How can I divide my fitted curve by the determined coefficient in order to normalize it?

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I have determined a curve of best fit using the fittype, fitoptions and fit functions, however I would like to divide my curve by one of the determined coefficients in order to normalize it for comparative purposes. I unfortunately have no idea how to do this. An example of my code can be seen below.
if true
This gives the following result:
if true
curveasp =
General model:
curveasp(x) = a*(1-exp(-x*c))
Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
a = 4 (2.143, 5.857)
c = 0.001743 (0.0005611, 0.002925)
gofasp =
sse: 0.1579
rsquare: 0.9791
dfe: 8
adjrsquare: 0.9765
rmse: 0.1405
I know that I can save the value of 'a' by saying a=curveasp.a however I would like to divide my curve by the value of 'a' so that the new curve is just given by y=1-exp^-(cx) instead of y=a(1-exp^-(cx)), but cannot seem to figure out how to do it.
Any help would be appreciated.

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