How to calculate the integral of two areas substracted of each other

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My question is this. I have a PV-diagram with two areas above each other. How can I calculate the upper area minus the bottom area?
This is the code:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% % variables b = 68 * 10^-3; % bore [m] s = 54 * 10^-3; % stroke [m] r = s / 2; % crank radius [m] l = 85 * 10^-3; % connecting rod length [m] estimated to be 85 mm CR = 8.5; % compression ratio [-], 8.5:1 V_b = s * (pi * b^2) / 4; % bore volume [m^3] V_c = V_b / (CR - 1); % clearance volume [m^3] TDC_shift = 0.11105; % indices shift to place ref on TDC in fraction of revolution time [C , D] = butter(2, 0.01); % smoothing settings P_ref = 1; % Reference pressure (bar) at 145 CA bTDC for pegging
% select and load one or more text files with format [time, pulse, pressure] files = fileselect;
h1 = waitbar(0,['Processing 1/',num2str(size(files,2))]);
% convert the data out of the file in to struct per measurement, data(1) is the first measurement, data(2) the second... for i = 1:size(files,2)
waitbar(i/(size(files,2)),h1,['Processing ',num2str(i),'/',num2str(size(files,2))])
data(i).file = files{i};
[data(i).time, data(i).pulse, data(i).pressure] = importfile(files{i});
% store raw data
% shift data.pulse to a be balanced around 0
data(i).pulse = data(i).pulse - (max(data(i).pulse)+min(data(i).pulse))/2;
% determine roughly zero crossing of pulse
ind1 = sort( find( (data(i).pulse(1:end-1) .* data(i).pulse(2:end)) < 0 ));
% write zero crossing time,
data(i).crs = data(i).time(ind1);
% smooth pressure data
data(i).pressure = filtfilt(C,D,data(i).pressure);
% convert pressure data from V to Bar
data(i).pressure = ((((data(i).pressure/5)*100)-11.5)*(200/80));
% Nominaal is de uitgangsspanning 11.5% van de Vs (Voedingsspanning = 5V)
% De factor (200/80) is de omrekenfactor volgens specificaties van de
% fabrikant ( per 80% verhoging van de nominaal = 200 bar)
% % linear interpolation of crossing to get the exact time of the zero crossing, data.crse % data(i).crse = data(i).crs; % for j=1:length(data(i).crse) % if abs(S(ind(j))) > eps(S(ind(j))) % % interpolate only when data point is not already zero % NUM = (data(i).time(ind(j)+1) - data(i).time(ind(j))); % DEN = (data(i).pulse(ind(j)+1) - data(i).pulse(ind(j))); % data(i).crse(j) = data(i).crse(j) - data(i).pulse(ind(j)) * NUM / DEN; % end % end
% determin the ref point
ind2 = sort(find ( (data(i).crs(2:end-1) - data(i).crs(1:end-2)) ...
> (mean(data(i).crs(2:end-1) - data(i).crs(1:end-2))*1.5) ...
& (data(i).crs(3:end) - data(i).crs(2:end-1)) ...
< (mean(data(i).crs(3:end) - data(i).crs(2:end-1))*1.5) ) );
% determine the ref time, data.ref
data(i).ref = data(i).crs(ind2);
% determine indices in time vector of the ref points
[~, data(i).indtime] = ismember(data(i).ref, data(i).time);
% determine engine revolutions per min
for k = 1:size(data(i).ref,1) - 1
data(i).rpm(k,:) = 60 / (data(i).ref(k+1) - data(i).ref(k));
% determine mean engine revolutions per min
data(i).meanrpm = mean(data(i).rpm);
% determine volume as function of crank angle per full revolution, data.rev.vol
for m = 1:size(data(i).indtime,1) - 1
for n = 1:data(i).indtime(m+1) - data(i).indtime(m)
% determine crank angel for every data point between two ref points
theta(m,n) = (n-1) * (2 * pi) / (data(i).indtime(m+1) - data(i).indtime(m)-1);
x(n) = r .* cos(theta(m,n)) + sqrt(l^2 - r^2 .* sin(theta(m,n)).^2);
data(i).rev(m).vol(n,:) = ((r + l) - x(n)) * (pi * b^2 / 4) +V_c;
% determine shift of pressure
ind_shift = round( TDC_shift * (data(i).indtime(m+1)-data(i).indtime(m)));
data(i).ind_shift_plot(m,:) = data(i).indtime(m) + ind_shift;
% shift pressure to match volume, data.rev.pressure
data(i).rev(m).pressure = data(i).pressure(data(i).indtime(m)+ind_shift:data(i).indtime(m+1)-1+ind_shift);
% Pegging: P_ave is used to determine the average of measured pressure at the reference point (here 145 bTDC)
P_ave = 0;
N = 0;
for m = 1:size(data(i).indtime,1) - 1
for n = 1:data(i).indtime(m+1) - data(i).indtime(m)
if theta(m,n) > 3.67 && theta(m,n) < 3.84 % 3.75 rad corresponds to 145 bTDC (3.67-> 150, 3.84->140 bTDC)
P_ave = data(i).rev(m).pressure(n,1)+P_ave;
N = N + 1;
P_ave = P_ave/N; % define the avarage of all the cycles
data(i).pressure = data(i).pressure- P_ave + P_ref; % correct the original values with the pegging values.
% plot P-V diagram of all revolutions on top of each other
for m = 1:size(data(i).indtime,1) - 1
data(i).rev(m).pressure = data(i).rev(m).pressure - P_ave + P_ref;
hold on
title('P-V Diagram')
xlabel('volume [m^{3}]')
ylabel('pressure [Bar]')
% combine an even and an odd full revolution to get a complete cycle
% for the pressure and the volume, data.cyl.pressure and data.cyl.vol
if mod(size(data(i).rev,2),2) == 0
p = size(data(i).rev,2)/2;
p = (size(data(i).rev,2)-1)/2;
for q = 1:p
data(i).cyc(q).vol = [data(i).rev(q*2-1).vol; data(i).rev(q*2).vol];
data(i).cyc(q).pressure = [data(i).rev(q*2-1).pressure; data(i).rev(q*2).pressure];
cycle_length(q) = length(data(i).cyc(q).vol);
data(i).cyc(q).cycle_ind = (1:length(data(i).cyc(q).vol))';
% average of volume and pressure over the cylces
% find mean, round lenght of cycles
mean_cycle_length = round(mean(cycle_length));
% fit smoothingspline through volume and pressure and normalize over
% cycle length, data.cyc.fit_vol and data.cyc.fit_pressure
for w = 1:p
data(i).cyc(w).fit_vol = fit(data(i).cyc(w).cycle_ind/cycle_length(w), data(i).cyc(w).vol, 'smoothingspline');
data(i).cyc(w).fit_pressure = fit(data(i).cyc(w).cycle_ind/cycle_length(w), data(i).cyc(w).pressure, 'smoothingspline');
% calculate volume and pressure at the same normalized point for all
% cycles and calculate the mean, data.mean_vol and data.mean_pressure
vol = []; pressure = [];
for g = 1 : mean_cycle_length
for h = 1:p
vol(h) = feval(data(i).cyc(h).fit_vol,g/mean_cycle_length);
pressure(h) = feval(data(i).cyc(h).fit_pressure,g/mean_cycle_length);
data(i).mean_vol(g) = mean(vol);
data(i).mean_pressure(g) = mean(pressure);
% save data, data.mean_vol and data.mean_pressure mean_vol = data(i).mean_vol; mean_pressure = data(i).mean_pressure; % save(['results_',data(i).file],'mean_vol','mean_pressure','-ascii','-tabs')
My guess is it has something to do with "strapz", but this only gives me the two areas summed together.

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