how to get the name and tag of an edit text that I dynamically create depending on a user input

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my program will read a number (nEdit) from the user, and create edit text boxes according to that number
this is my code right now:
for i = 1:nEdit
% maxNumOfQ is predefined used for layout and alignment purposes
maxNumOfQ= maxNumOfQ-1;
textEl(i) = uicontrol('Parent', i3_entering_questions, 'Style', 'edit', 'Position', [210, (maxNumOfQ+11)*27, 300, 25]) % i3_entering_questions is the name of the current window
the problem now is that I want to get the string the user will enter in those edit text boxes
I know how to do that using get(handles.editName, 'String') but I need to know the name and tag of the edit text in order to do so. how can I know them in this case?

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