I am trying to solve the non-linear solver 'fsolve' to solve the rate equations. But the f(x) shows unprecedented high values and its shows no solution found.

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Codes are as follows:
close all;
clear all;
% Define the function to be solved
fun = @(k) Rate_eqns(k);
% Set the initial guess
k0 = [1.6e18, 0, 0];
% Set the options for the solver
options = optimoptions('fsolve','Display','iter');
% Call the solver
[k,~,exitflag] = fsolve(fun,k0,options);
Norm of First-order Trust-region Iteration Func-count ||f(x)||^2 step optimality radius 0 4 5.16979e+58 3.23e+40 1 1 5 5.16979e+58 1 3.23e+40 1 2 6 5.16979e+58 0.25 3.23e+40 0.25 No solution found. fsolve stopped because the relative size of the current step is less than the value of the step size tolerance squared, but the vector of function values is not near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance.
% Check the exit flag
if exitflag <= 0
error('fsolve did not converge to a solution.')
fsolve did not converge to a solution.
% Display the results
fprintf('Nqw = %f\n', k(1));
fprintf('Nb = %f\n', k(2));
fprintf('Np = %f\n', k(3));
the function is:
function fcns = Rate_eqns(k)
Nqw = k(1);
Nb = k(2);
Np = k(3);
% Ninj = 2e18;
Isch = 15.8e-3; q = 1.6e-19; V = 1e-10;
Ninj = Isch/(q*V);
Ab = 1e8; Bb = 1.2e-10;
tau_b = 1/(Ab+Bb*Nb);
Aqw = 1e8; Bqw = 1.5e-10; Cqw = 5e-30;
tau_r = 1/(Bqw*Nqw); tau_nr = 1/(Aqw+Cqw*Nqw^2);
tau_e = 10e-12;
tau_bw = 1e-12;
g = 285; alpha_i = 1.25; alpha_m = 16; ng = 3.42;
vg = 3e10/ng;
tau_p = 1/(vg*(alpha_i+alpha_m));
fcns(1) = Ninj - (Nb/tau_b)- (Nb/tau_bw) + (Nqw/tau_e);
fcns(2) = (Nb/tau_bw) -(Nqw/tau_r)- (Nqw/tau_nr)- (Nqw/tau_e) - vg*g*Np;
fcns(3) = vg*g - (Np/tau_p);
Torsten on 25 Apr 2023
Edited: Torsten on 25 Apr 2023
Either because your parameters/equations/implementation are wrong or because your initial guess for Nqw, Nb and Np as [1.6e18, 0, 0] is far off.
You work with very small and very big numbers in your code - thus you can imagine that even if everything is set correctly, the problem will be very sensitive and difficult to solve.

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Accepted Answer

Torsten on 25 Apr 2023
Edited: Torsten on 25 Apr 2023
Here is a symbolic solution of your problem. It seems to boil down to determine the roots of a polynomial of order 6. Since you want positive solutions, you get
Nqw = 2152699271590929986.667971525434
Nb = 216230193480156287.19357257820151
Np = 16.521739130434782608695652173913
with the parameters and equations you wrote.
syms Nqw Nb Np Isch q V Ab Bb Aqw Bqw Cqw tau_e tau_bw g alpha_i alpha_m ng const
Ninj = Isch/(q*V);
tau_b = 1/(Ab+Bb*Nb);
tau_r = 1/(Bqw*Nqw);
tau_nr = 1/(Aqw+Cqw*Nqw^2);
vg = const/ng;
tau_p = 1/(vg*(alpha_i+alpha_m));
eqn1 = Ninj - (Nb/tau_b)- (Nb/tau_bw) + (Nqw/tau_e) == 0;
eqn2 = (Nb/tau_bw) -(Nqw/tau_r)- (Nqw/tau_nr)- (Nqw/tau_e) - vg*g*Np == 0;
eqn3 = vg*g - (Np/tau_p) == 0;
sol = solve([eqn1 eqn2 eqn3],[Nqw Nb Np])
sol = struct with fields:
Nqw: [6×1 sym] Nb: [6×1 sym] Np: [6×1 sym]
Ischnum = 15.8e-3;
qnum = 1.6e-19;
Vnum = 1e-10;
Abnum = 1e8;
Bbnum = 1.2e-10;
Aqwnum = 1e8;
Bqwnum = 1.5e-10;
Cqwnum = 5e-30;
tau_enum = 10e-12;
tau_bwnum = 1e-12;
gnum = 285;
alpha_inum = 1.25;
alpha_mnum = 16;
ngnum = 3.42;
constnum = 3e10;
format long
Nqwnum = vpa(subs(sol.Nqw,[Isch q V Ab Bb Aqw Bqw Cqw tau_e tau_bw g alpha_i alpha_m ng const],[Ischnum qnum Vnum Abnum Bbnum Aqwnum Bqwnum Cqwnum tau_enum tau_bwnum gnum alpha_inum alpha_mnum ngnum constnum]))
Nqwnum = 
Nbnum = vpa(subs(sol.Nb,[Isch q V Ab Bb Aqw Bqw Cqw tau_e tau_bw g alpha_i alpha_m ng const],[Ischnum qnum Vnum Abnum Bbnum Aqwnum Bqwnum Cqwnum tau_enum tau_bwnum gnum alpha_inum alpha_mnum ngnum constnum]))
Nbnum = 
Npnum = vpa(subs(sol.Np,[Isch q V Ab Bb Aqw Bqw Cqw tau_e tau_bw g alpha_i alpha_m ng const],[Ischnum qnum Vnum Abnum Bbnum Aqwnum Bqwnum Cqwnum tau_enum tau_bwnum gnum alpha_inum alpha_mnum ngnum constnum]))
Npnum = 
for i = 1:6
error_eqn1(i) = vpa(subs(lhs(eqn1),[Nqw,Nb,Np,Isch q V Ab Bb Aqw Bqw Cqw tau_e tau_bw g alpha_i alpha_m ng const],[Nqwnum(i) Nbnum(i) Npnum(i),Ischnum qnum Vnum Abnum Bbnum Aqwnum Bqwnum Cqwnum tau_enum tau_bwnum gnum alpha_inum alpha_mnum ngnum constnum]));
error_eqn2(i) = vpa(subs(lhs(eqn2),[Nqw,Nb,Np,Isch q V Ab Bb Aqw Bqw Cqw tau_e tau_bw g alpha_i alpha_m ng const],[Nqwnum(i) Nbnum(i) Npnum(i),Ischnum qnum Vnum Abnum Bbnum Aqwnum Bqwnum Cqwnum tau_enum tau_bwnum gnum alpha_inum alpha_mnum ngnum constnum]));
error_eqn3(i) = vpa(subs(lhs(eqn3),[Nqw,Nb,Np,Isch q V Ab Bb Aqw Bqw Cqw tau_e tau_bw g alpha_i alpha_m ng const],[Nqwnum(i) Nbnum(i) Npnum(i),Ischnum qnum Vnum Abnum Bbnum Aqwnum Bqwnum Cqwnum tau_enum tau_bwnum gnum alpha_inum alpha_mnum ngnum constnum]));
ans = 
ans = 
ans = 

More Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Apr 2023
Moved: Walter Roberson on 25 Apr 2023
syms k [1 3] positive
eqns = Rate_eqns(k)
eqns = 
exact_solution = solve(eqns)
exact_solution = struct with fields:
k1: (290142196707511*root(z^6 + (7254280273179543825741879705600000000*z^5)/290142196707511 + (125195526563543628214742238301547719652968742878568477720384287106013989665347373648314368*z^4)… k2: root(z^6 + (7254280273179543825741879705600000000*z^5)/290142196707511 + (125195526563543628214742238301547719652968742878568477720384287106013989665347373648314368*z^4)/6007463538527559… k3: 624173656866248779296875/37778931862957161709568
subs([k1, k2, k3], exact_solution)
ans = 
ans = 
function fcns = Rate_eqns(k)
Nqw = k(1);
Nb = k(2);
Np = k(3);
% Ninj = 2e18;
Isch = 15.8e-3; q = 1.6e-19; V = 1e-10;
Ninj = Isch/(q*V);
Ab = 1e8; Bb = 1.2e-10;
tau_b = 1/(Ab+Bb*Nb);
Aqw = 1e8; Bqw = 1.5e-10; Cqw = 5e-30;
tau_r = 1/(Bqw*Nqw); tau_nr = 1/(Aqw+Cqw*Nqw^2);
tau_e = 10e-12;
tau_bw = 1e-12;
g = 285; alpha_i = 1.25; alpha_m = 16; ng = 3.42;
vg = 3e10/ng;
tau_p = 1/(vg*(alpha_i+alpha_m));
fcns(1) = Ninj - (Nb/tau_b)- (Nb/tau_bw) + (Nqw/tau_e);
fcns(2) = (Nb/tau_bw) -(Nqw/tau_r)- (Nqw/tau_nr)- (Nqw/tau_e) - vg*g*Np;
fcns(3) = vg*g - (Np/tau_p);
Mohammad Fozlay
Mohammad Fozlay on 26 Apr 2023
Edited: Mohammad Fozlay on 26 Apr 2023
With your following codes the error seems high for the second variable-
[0.000000000037061909097246825695037841796875, -2857595864007.3389535253245412605, 0]
Also the solution when putting those back into the rate equations should yield close to 0 as we formulated our equations as one side is equal to zero. My query is how come the solution is giving large output when we consider them as the inputs for the function?

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