PLz help in debugging.

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LoRa Data Monitoring
LoRa Data Monitoring on 1 Apr 2015
Hi All,
Here below is my code, that reads Accelerometer data from COM4 and needs to build a graph. Please help me to debug this.
//Matlab program to read data through serial port//
function data = serial_read()
serialObj = serial('COM40');
%set(serialObj, 'InputBufferSize', 256); %set(serialObj, 'FlowControl', 'none'); set(serialObj, 'BaudRate', 9600); set(serialObj, 'Parity', 'none'); set(serialObj, 'DataBits', 8); set(serialObj, 'StopBit', 1); set(serialObj, 'Timeout',10); %clc;
disp(get(serialObj,'Name')); prop(1)=(get(serialObj,'BaudRate')); prop(2)=(get(serialObj,'DataBits')); prop(3)=(get(serialObj, 'StopBit')); %prop(4)=(get(serialObj, 'InputBufferSize'));
disp(['Port Setup Done!!',num2str(prop)]);
fopen(serialObj); %t=1; %disp('Running'); %x=0;
c = onCleanup(@()loc_cleanup(serialObj));
while(1) [data,~,~] = scanstr(serialObj); %figure(1); subplot(3,1,1) stem(data{1}); %figure(2); subplot(3,1,2) stem(data{2}); %figure(3); subplot(3,1,3) stem(data{3});
disp('data received is :'); disp(data); holdon drawnow pause(0.000001); end end
%x =[x a];
%plot(x); %axis auto; %grid on;
functionloc_cleanup(serialObj) fclose(serialObj); delete(serialObj); closeall;
end //to plot //
functiondat= serial_read_plot
%Clean up functions to make sure when the code is started we are t a steady %state to run the code a= instrfindall; %find all open serial ports from last instances delete(a); %delete the objects. clearall; clc; closeall;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% serialPort = 'COM40'; %Change Serial as needed according to the Comport % on the arduino seen on the pc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% plotTitle = 'Serial Data'; xLabel = 'Time (s)'; yLabel = 'Data'; plotGrid = 'on'; scrollWidth = 10; delay = .01; % Fs=1000; % T=1/Fs; % L=1000; % N=2^nextpow2(L); % t=(0:L-1)*T;
%Init time as well as data to zero. time = 0; data = 0; data1= 0; data2= 0; data3= 0; data4= 0; data5= 0; count = 0;
figure(1); % Create one figure and plot to the same.
plotGraph = plot(time,data,'-ro',... 'LineWidth',1,... 'MarkerEdgeColor','r',... 'MarkerFaceColor',[.49 1 .63],... 'MarkerSize',2);
holdon; %The data from last plot is retained.
plotGraph1 = plot(time,data1,'-mo',... 'LineWidth',1,... 'MarkerEdgeColor','m',... 'MarkerFaceColor',[.49 1 .63],... 'MarkerSize',2);
holdon; %The data from last plot is retained.
plotGraph2 = plot(time,data2,'-co',... 'LineWidth',1,... 'MarkerEdgeColor','c',... 'MarkerFaceColor',[.49 1 .63],... 'MarkerSize',2);
holdon; %The data from last plot is retained. figure(2);
plotGraph3 = plot(time,data3,'-ro',... 'LineWidth',1,... 'MarkerEdgeColor','r',... 'MarkerFaceColor',[.49 1 .63],... 'MarkerSize',2);
holdon; %The data from last plot is retained.
plotGraph4 = plot(time,data4,'-mo',... 'LineWidth',1,... 'MarkerEdgeColor','m',... 'MarkerFaceColor',[.49 1 .63],... 'MarkerSize',2);
holdon; %The data from last plot is retained.
plotGraph5 = plot(time,data5,'-co',... 'LineWidth',1,... 'MarkerEdgeColor','c',... 'MarkerFaceColor',[.49 1 .63],... 'MarkerSize',2);
holdon; %The data from last plot is retained.
title(plotTitle,'FontSize',25); xlabel(xLabel,'FontSize',15); ylabel(yLabel,'FontSize',15); grid(plotGrid);
s = serial(serialPort); disp('Port is opened now'); fopen(s);
whileishandle(plotGraph) whileishandle(plotGraph1) whileishandle(plotGraph2) whileishandle(plotGraph3) whileishandle(plotGraph4) whileishandle(plotGraph5)
dat = fgetl(s);%Read Data from Serial as Float disp(dat); % decdata=str2double(dat); % y=decdata; % Y=fft(y,N)/L; % f=Fs/2*linspace(0,1,N/2); % figure(3); % plot(f,2*abs(Y(1:1))) % title('ssa'); % hold on;
[a_component,b_component,c_component,d_component,e_component,f_component] = iExtractABCDEF(dat);
%%%%%% Uncomment only if u need to see individual sensor datas. %%%%%%%%%%% % disp(' '); % disp(a_component); % disp(','); % % disp(' '); % disp(b_component); % disp(' '); % disp(c_component); % disp(' '); % disp(d_component); % disp(' '); % disp(e_component); % disp(' '); % disp(f_component); % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% count = count + 1; %increment to keep track of samples. time(count) = toc; %#ok data(count) = str2double(a_component);%#ok data1(count) = str2double(b_component);%#ok data2(count) = str2double(c_component);%#ok data3(count) = str2double(d_component);%#ok data4(count) = str2double(e_component);%#ok data5(count) = str2double(f_component);%#ok
%Grow and shrink time axis when the data is coming in and update the %Value of the sensor in the Y-Axis. if(scrollWidth> 0) set(plotGraph, 'XData',time(time > time(count)-scrollWidth),'YData',data(time > time(count)-scrollWidth)); set(plotGraph1,'XData',time(time > time(count)-scrollWidth),'YData',data1(time > time(count)-scrollWidth)); set(plotGraph2,'XData',time(time > time(count)-scrollWidth),'YData',data2(time > time(count)-scrollWidth)); set(plotGraph3,'XData',time(time > time(count)-scrollWidth),'YData',data3(time > time(count)-scrollWidth)); set(plotGraph4,'XData',time(time > time(count)-scrollWidth),'YData',data4(time > time(count)-scrollWidth)); set(plotGraph5,'XData',time(time > time(count)-scrollWidth),'YData',data5(time > time(count)-scrollWidth)); else set(plotGraph, 'XData',time,'YData',data); set(plotGraph1,'XData',time,'YData',data1); set(plotGraph2,'XData',time,'YData',data2); set(plotGraph3,'XData',time,'YData',data3); set(plotGraph4,'XData',time,'YData',data4); set(plotGraph5,'XData',time,'YData',data5); end
count = count + 1; pause(delay); end end end end end end end
function [a_component,b_component,c_component,d_component,e_component,f_component] = iExtractABCDEF(dat) [a_component, remain] = strtok(dat, ','); [b_component, remain] = strtok(remain, ','); [c_component, remain] = strtok(remain, ','); [d_component, remain] = strtok(remain, ','); [e_component, remain] = strtok(remain, ','); [f_component, ~] = strtok(remain, ','); end

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