Attempted to access d(50); index out of bounds because numel(d)=49

1 view (last 30 days)
I'm just trying to solve a LINE SOR (PDE EQUATION), but I keep getting this error ??? Attempted to access d(50); index out of bounds because numel(d)=49.
Error in ==> thomas at 7 d(i) = (d(i) - a(i)*d(i-1))/(b(i) - a(i)*c(i-1));
Error in ==> laplacsorlinep1 at 96 ukp1(j,2:Nx-1) = thomas(a,b,c,d)
if true
% code
% clear workspace
% define variables %-------------------------------------------------------------------% dx = 0.1; %define dx B = 5; %define number of grides B H = 5; %define number of grides Y a = 0:dx:H; %define grides in x direction b = 0:dx:B; %define grides in y direction data=zeros(length(a),length(b)); %boundary condition %-------------------------------------------------------------------% for j = 1 for i = 1 : size(data,1) data(i,j) = 0; %boundary condition for west side end end for j = size(data,2) for i = 1 : size(data,1) if i < (1.8/dx) data(i,j) = 0; %boundary condition for east side elseif i > (2/dx) data(i,j) = 100; else i >= (1.8/dx) & i <= (2/dx) data(i,j) = 50; end end end for i = 1 for j = 2 : size(data,2) data(i,j) = 0; %boundary condition for top side end end for i = size(data,1) for j = 1 : size(data,2)-1 if j < (1/dx) data(i,j) = 0; %data(i,j-1) + 1; %boundary condition for bottom side elseif j > (1.2/dx) data(i,j) = 100; else j >= (1/dx) & j <= (1.2/dx) data(i,j) = 50; end end end
%-------------------------------------------------------------------% % define variables %data=xlsread('data.xlsx'); Nx = size(data,2); % no nodes in the x direction Ny = size(data,1); % no nodes in the y direction tol = 1d-6; % tolerance err = 1; % error k=0; % interation counter omega = 1; %relaxation parameter %-------------------------------------------------------------------% % define u array u = data; ukp1 = u; %-------------------------------------------------------------------% %calculate relaxation parameter for SOR method while err> tol D = 4*eye(Nx-2); L = -omega*diag(ones(Nx-3,1),-1); U = -omega*diag(ones(Nx-3,1),1); T = inv(D)*(L + U); newomega = 2/(1 + sqrt(1 - max(abs(eig(T)))^2)); err = abs(newomega - omega); omega = newomega; end err = 1; %calculate lower, main and upper diagonal vectors a(2:Nx-2) = -omega; b(1:Nx-2) = 4; c(1:Nx-3) = -omega;
%output Omega fprintf('omega = %1.4f\n',omega)
% line SOR method while err > tol % update iteration counter k = k + 1; fprintf(' %6i |',k); for j = 2 : Ny - 1 %calculate RBS vector for i = 2 : Nx - 1 d(i-1) = 4*(1 - omega)*u(j,i) + omega*ukp1(j-1,i) + omega*u(j+1,i); end d(1) = d(1) + omega*ukp1(j,1); d(Nx-2) = d(Nx-2) + omega*ukp1(j,Nx); %solve tridiagonal system using thomas algoritm ukp1(j,2:Nx-1) = thomas(a,b,c,d);
%output values
for i = 2 : Nx - 1
fprintf('%10.6f &',ukp1(j,i))
% calculate error
err = sqrt(sum(sum((ukp1 - u).^2)));
fprintf(' %8.6f \n',err)
% update u
u = ukp1;
%print results
title('2-D Laplace''s equation')
%--------------------------FUNCTION---------------------------------------------------------% function x = thomas(a,b,c,d) N = length(b); c(1) = c(1)/b(1); d(1) = d(1)/b(1); for i = 2 : N - 1 c(i) = c(i)/(b(i) - a(i)*c(i-1)); d(i) = (d(i) - a(i)*d(i-1))/(b(i) - a(i)*c(i-1)); end d(N) = (d(N) - a(N)*d(N-1))/(b(N) - a(N)*c(N-1)); x(N) = d(N); for i = N - 1 : -1 : 1 x(i) = d(i) - c(i)*x(i+1); end
  1 Comment
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 8 Apr 2015
Well, why are you trying to access element 50 of an array that only goes to element 49? This link will help you solve the problem.
Stop posting this over and over. You can edit your post. Otherwise I have to keep moving my reply here and delete your older posts.

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