How to perform numerical analysisis using the Finite Difference Method on a square plate with a corner removed.

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Hi, I'm curious to know if it is possible to adapt an existing code, which is used to analyse a square plate with dimensions 'hx+1 X hy+1', so that I can use FDM on a the same plate but with the corner removed.
The idea would be that the boundary conditions could be applied to the point (1,hy).
Below is included the current script that I would like to adapt. The dimensions of the plate are defined from line 20, and the boundary conditions are defined at line 72.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
2>> %%%%%%% An Introduction to Scientific Computing %%%%%%%
3>> %%%%%%% I. Danaila, P. Joly, S. M. Kaber & M. Postel %%%%%%%
4>> %%%%%%% Springer, 2005 %%%%%%%
5>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
6>> %%
7>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
8>> %%
9>> %% Matlab Solution of exercise 2 - project 7
10>> %% ELAS: elastic deformation of a membrane
11>> %% Solution of the microphone problem (non-linear equation)
12>> %%
13>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
14>> %%
15>> clear all; close all;
16>> %
17>> % 1) Construction of the linear system
18>> %
19>> % number of points
20>> nx=18;ny=18;
21>> % step mesh size
22>> % dimensions of the plate 1 mm x 1 mm (unit m)
23>> long=1.e-03;large=1.e-03;
24>> hx=long/(nx+1);hy=large/(ny+1);
25>> h2x=hx*hx;h2y=hy*hy;
26>> h4x=h2x*h2x;h4y=h2y*h2y;h4xy=h2x*h2y;
27>> % points coordinates
28>> x=[0.:hx:long];y=[0.:hy:large];
29>> n=nx*ny;
30>> fprintf('\n ');
31>> fprintf('\n Points in x direction %d',nx);
32>> fprintf('\n Points in y direction %d',ny);
33>> fprintf('\n Total number of points %d',n);
34>> fprintf('\n ');
35>> % computing time measure
36>> t=cputime;
37>> % matrix of realistic problem
38>> % plate mechanical strain
39>> T=100.; % in Newton/m
40>> % plate Young modulus (silicium)
41>> E=1.3e+11; % in Newton/m2
42>> % plate thickness
43>> e=1.e-06; % 1 up to 10 microns
44>> % Poisson coefficient
45>> nu=0.25; % no dimension
46>> c1=T;c2=(E*e*e*e)/(12.*(1.0-nu*nu));
47>> % Laplacian operator matrix
48>> Ah5=ELAS_lap_matrix(hx,hy,nx,ny);
49>> % Bi-Laplacian operator matrix
50>> Ah13=ELAS_bilap_matrix(hx,hy,nx,ny);
51>> % Test problem matrix
52>> Ah=c2*Ah13+c1*Ah5;
53>> % Cholesky factorization - Matlab
54>> Lh=chol(Ah');
55>> % Display of matrix structure
56>> fs=18;
57>> figure(10);colormap('gray');
58>> spy(Ah);title('Matrix Ah ','FontSize',fs);
59>> figure(11);colormap('gray');
60>> spy(Lh');title('Matrix Lh ','FontSize',fs);
61>> % sampling of the right-hand side
62>> rhs0=zeros(nx*ny,1);
63>> for ix=1:nx
64>> for iy=1:ny
65>> xx=x(ix+1);
66>> yy=y(iy+1);
67>> uu=0.;
68>> rhs0((iy-1)*nx+ix)=ELAS_pressure(xx,yy,uu);
69>> end
70>> end
71>> % boundary conditions
72>> uh=zeros(nx+2,ny+2);
73>> % uh is null on the boundary ==> no correction of rhs (cf ELAS_plate_ex.m)
74>> %
75>> % 2) Solution of the linear problem
76>> %
77>> vh=Lh'\rhs0;
78>> wh=Lh\vh;
79>> for ix=1:nx
80>> for iy=1:ny
81>> uh(ix+1,iy+1)=wh((iy-1)*nx+ix);
82>> end
83>> end
84>> %
85>> % 3) Display of results
86>> %
87>> % capacitor thickness
88>> h=5.e-06; % 5 microns
89>> figure(11);
90>> colormap('gray');surf(x,y,h-uh');
91>> fs=18;
92>> title('Solution for the plate problem','FontSize',fs);
93>> %
94>> % 4) Solution of the nonlinear problem
95>> %
96>> eps0=1.0e-03;
97>> var=1.0;
98>> % initialisation
99>> uuh=uh; % uh = solution of linear problem
100>> rhs=zeros(nx*ny,1);
101>> k=0;
102>> while ( var > eps0 )
103>> k=k+1;
104>> uuha=uuh;
105>> for ix=1:nx
106>> for iy=1:ny
107>> xx=x(ix+1);
108>> yy=y(iy+1);
109>> uu=uuh(ix+1,iy+1);
110>> rhs((iy-1)*nx+ix)=ELAS_pressure(xx,yy,uu);
111>> end
112>> end
113>> vh=Lh'\rhs;
114>> wh=Lh\vh;
115>> for ix=1:nx
116>> for iy=1:ny
117>> uuh(ix+1,iy+1)=wh((iy-1)*nx+ix);
118>> end
119>> end
120>> % variation
121>> e1=norm(uuh,2);
122>> e2=norm(uuh-uuha,2);
123>> var=e2/e1;
124>> fprintf('\n Iteration %d',k);
125>> fprintf('\n Variation %12.8f',var);
126>> end
127>> % computing time measure
128>> time=cputime-t;
129>> fprintf('\n Computing time %20.15f',time);
130>> %
131>> % 5) Display of results
132>> %
133>> figure(12);
134>> colormap('gray');surf(x,y,h-uuh');
135>> fs=18;
title('Solution for the microphone problem','FontSize',fs);

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