Help Getting Images into Montage from a Cell Array

4 views (last 30 days)
I have a loop that pulls 2D images out of a 3D matrix and puts them in a cell vector. I then want to take those images and use the 'montage' function so that I can put them all together. So far it works up until I get to montage. I can get the images into the cell array, but I am having a very difficult time figuring out how to get them out of the cell array in a way that I can put them into montage without selecting each and every one. There are 40 of them so that is not something I want to do. Here is my code so far:
data_group1_mouse116 = load('Mouse116CT.mat');
Matrix = permute(data_group1_mouse116.preImg,[2,3,1]);
Size_Matrix = size(Matrix); height = Size_Matrix(3); cell_info = floor(height./40);
n = 1; s = 1; x = 1;
while s <= 40
%rotating data with transpose and imaging slices pre_slice{s} = transpose(Matrix(:,:,n));
s = s + 1; n = n + cell_info;
while x <= 1;
x = x + 1;
Image = montage(('trial.m'));
%setting image parameters colormap(gray) colorbar caxis([0,2.5*10^4]) axis equal tight

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 9 Apr 2015
You need to pass montage() a 3D or 4D array of images, not a string.
Also, don't use Image as the name of a variable since image is the name of a built-in function.
Mara Lanis
Mara Lanis on 9 Apr 2015
I'm sorry, but what is an M by N by 1 by K array?

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