I need to create a piecewise function that looks like a series of square waves of decreasing width. I will later numerically integrate it, and the code is slow. Is there a better way to do this than with a bunch of heaviside functions?

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lam = 1.107e-10; Nzp = 1385; Lf = 28.8346e-3; PHIzp = -(0.1257 - 0.0079*1i)* pi ; Rcs = 30e-6; PHIcs = -(33.5219 - 2.1196*1i) * pi ;
syms rho
Uzp = symfun(0,[rho]);
for m = 0:Nzp
temp = 2 * (ceil(m/2) - (m/2));
if temp == 1;
rmin = ((m - 1/2)*lam*Lf)^(1/2);
rmax = ((m + 1/2)*lam*Lf)^(1/2);
f = symfun(heaviside(rho-rmin),[rho]);
g = symfun(heaviside(-(rho-rmax)),[rho]);
h = f * g;
h2 = h * (exp(1i * PHIzp) - 1);
Uzp = Uzp + h2;
end Uzp = (Uzp + g);
f = symfun(heaviside(-(rho-Rcs)),[rho]); Ucs = f * (exp(1i*PHIcs)-1); Ucs = 1 + Ucs; Uo = Uzp * Ucs;

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