MEX file help for a complicated C program

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I am new to MEX files and have no clue about programming in C. However, I need to use a shape similarity algorithm that I found implemented in C in my Matlab image processing code. If anyone could give me pointers on how to use this algorithm in Matlab via a MEX function it would be extremely appreciated. Here is the C code:
----- sim.c -----
* Implementation of "An Efficiently Computable Metric
* for Comparing Polygonal Shapes," by Arkin, Chew, Huttenlocher,
* Kedem, and Mitchel (undated). This expands a little on the
* cited reference to achieve O(n) space and O(mn log n)
* run time.
* This could be improved to O(min m,n) and O(mn log min m,n)
* by selecting the smallest of the 2 polys to create the initial
* event heap. See init_events().
* Variable names match the article.
* Implementation (c) Eugene K. Ressler 91, 92 This source may be
* freely distributed and used for non-commercial purposes, so long
* as this comment is attached to any code copied or derived from it.
* Make gcc version 2.1:
* gcc [-g] [-O2 -finline-functions] [-DCPU_TIME] sim.c -lm -o sim
* Turbo C 2.0 or TC++ 1.0:
* tcc [-O -Z -G] sim.c -o sim.exe
* Usage:
* sim [-n] [-p] [-r#] [< infile] [> outfile]
* Options:
* -n suppresses brute force updates to reduce numerical error.
* This typically speeds things up a lot for big polygons.
* I haven't seen any inputs where the updates do much good.
* -p prints the metric value in full double precision.
* -r repeats the calculation for each polygon # times to assist in
* performance measure for small polygons. This number is factored
* out of run time reports when compiled with -DCPU_TIME, so higher
* numbers compensate for grainy clocks.
* I/O:
* A model polygon and then any number of polygons to be compared
* to the model are read from standard input. For each of the
* latter, a single line of metric information is written to the
* standard output. Polygons are expected as counterclockwise
* vertex lists, one vertex (x, y) per line. Any line that does
* not begin with <digit>| . | - is not scanned and
* taken as the end of a polygon. Output lines look like:
* <metric> <theta* (degrees)> <f corner> <g corner> <ht0 err> <slope err> [ <cpu time in ms> ]
* Metric and theta* are as given in the paper. The corners are
* vertex numbers (0-based) of the vertices at the critical
* event that gave the best match. Polygon f is the last read;
* g is the model. The error terms are the maximum magnitudes of
* errors discovered during brute force updates. These will be zero
* if the -n option is invoked.
* Bugs:
* The input routine uses gets() with an input buffer of 80 chars,
* so inputs containing long lines will cause unpredictable results.
* We should really size things dynamically. Currently the number of
* points in input polys is limited by a compile-time constant.
* The code may not work with redundant vertices or
* edges that fold back on their predecessors.
* The proof of correctness for this calculation is based on IEEE
* floating point numbers. All bets are off with other standards.
* If the proof is wrong, it will almost inevitably show up as large
* numbers (over, say 10^-3) in the error terms of the heuristic.
* Compiling with -DCPU_TIME causes the time for each metric calculation
* in ms to be appended. Unfortunately, most systems provide this accurate
* to 1/60 sec (16.6.. ms) only. Small polygons take much less time than
* this to compare. The -r option compensates for this with a hack.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifdef CPU_TIME
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
* Largest polygon to be handled.
#define MAX_PTS 100
* Types.
typedef double COORD; /* Cartesian coordinate */
typedef struct pt { /* Cartesian point */
COORD x, y;
typedef struct poly { /* polygon of n points */
int n;
typedef struct leg { /* single leg of a turning rep polygon */
double theta; /* heading of the leg */
double len; /* length in original coordinates */
double s; /* cumulative arc length in [0,1] of start */
} LEG;
typedef struct turnrep { /* polygon in turning rep */
int n;
double total_len;
typedef struct event { /* critical event */
double t; /* "f shift" parameter of the event */
int fi, gi; /* pointers into turn reps f and g */
* These are to make a turning rep look infinite.
* Given the rep and the "index" of a discontinuity,
* 0,1,..., these return s and theta adjusted by
* the correct number of turns around the polygon.
#define tr_n(tr) tr->n
#define tr_i(tr, i) (i % tr->n)
#define tr_len(tr, i) tr->leg[tr_i(tr, i)].len
double tr_s(TURN_REP tr, int i)
return(tr->leg[i % tr->n].s + i / tr->n);
double tr_smt(TURN_REP tr, int i, double t)
return((tr->leg[i % tr->n].s - t) + i / tr->n);
double tr_theta(TURN_REP tr, int i)
return(tr->leg[i % tr->n].theta + i / tr->n * 2 * M_PI);
* Square a double.
double sqr(double x)
return(x * x);
* Compute min of two ints.
int min(int x, int y)
return(x < y ? x : y);
* Compute floor(log_base2(x))
int ilog2(int x)
int l;
l = -1;
while (x != 0) {
x >>= 1;
* Return angle a, adjusted by +-2kPI so that it
* is within [base-PI, base+PI).
double turn(double a, double base)
while (a - base < -M_PI) a += 2 * M_PI;
while (a - base >= M_PI) a -= 2 * M_PI;
/* Get a line from the input file. */
int read_line(char *buf, int buf_size, int *line)
int ch;
/* Set sentinel at end of buffer. */
buf[buf_size - 1] = buf[buf_size - 2] = '\1';
if (fgets(buf, buf_size, stdin) == NULL)
return 0;
/* Count successfully retrieved line. */
/* Purge rest of line if it was longer than buffer. */
if (buf[buf_size - 1] == '\0' && buf[buf_size - 2] != '\n') {
do {
ch = getchar();
} while (ch != EOF && ch != '\n');
fprintf(stderr, "warning: truncated line %d\n", *line);
return 1;
* Read a polygon from the standard input. One (x,y) pair
* is expected per line. EOF or a line not starting with
* a digit, -, or . end the polygon. Returns 1 if a valid
* polygon (3 or more vertics) was read. Unparsable input
* and polygons too big or small are reported. An abort
* ensues in all cases.
int read_poly(POLY poly)
static int line = 0;
int i;
char buf[82];
i = 0;
while(read_line(buf, sizeof buf, &line) &&
(isdigit(buf[0]) || buf[0] == '.' || buf[0] == '-')) {
if (sscanf(buf, "%lf %lf", &poly->pt[i].x, &poly->pt[i].y) != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "line %d: bad point\n", line);
if (++i >= MAX_PTS) {
fprintf(stderr, "line %d: polygon too big\n", line);
if (i > 0 && i < 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "line %d: null polygon\n", line);
return(poly->n = i);
* Convert a polygon to a turning rep. This computes the
* absolute angle of each leg wrt the x-axis, then adjusts
* this to within PI of the last leg to form the turning
* angle. Finally, the total length of all legs is used
* to compute the cumulative normalized arc length of each
* discontinuity, s.
void poly_to_turn_rep(POLY p, TURN_REP t)
int n, i0, i1;
double dx, dy, theta1, theta0, total_len, len;
n = t->n = p->n;
total_len = 0;
for (theta0 = 0, i0 = 0; i0 < n; theta0 = theta1, ++i0) {
* Look one vertex ahead of i0 to compute the leg.
i1 = (i0 + 1) % n;
dx = p->pt[i1].x - p->pt[i0].x;
dy = p->pt[i1].y - p->pt[i0].y;
t->leg[i0].theta = theta1 = turn(atan2(dy, dx), theta0);
total_len += t->leg[i0].len = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
t->total_len = total_len;
for (len = 0, i0 = 0; i0 < n; ++i0) {
t->leg[i0].s = len/total_len;
len += t->leg[i0].len;
* Fill in a turn rep with a rotated version of an
* original. Normalized arc lengths start at 0 in
* the new representation.
void rotate_turn_rep(TURN_REP t, int to, TURN_REP r)
int ti, ri, n;
double len, total_len;
LEG *l;
n = r->n = t->n;
total_len = r->total_len = t->total_len;
for (ti = to, ri = 0; ri < n; ++ti, ++ri) {
l = &r->leg[ri];
l->theta = tr_theta(t, ti);
l->len = tr_len(t, ti);
l->s = tr_s(t, ti);
for (len = 0, ri = 0; ri < n; ++ri) {
r->leg[ri].s = len/total_len;
len += r->leg[ri].len;
* In one O(m + n) pass over the turning reps of the polygons
* to be matched, this computes all the terms needed to incrementally
* compute the metric. See the paper.
void init_vals(TURN_REP f, TURN_REP g, double *ht0_rtn, double *slope_rtn, double *a_rtn)
int i, n; /* loop params */
int fi, gi; /* disconts that bound current strip */
double ht0, slope; /* per paper */
double a; /* alpha in the paper */
double last_s; /* s at left edge of current strip */
double ds; /* width of strip */
double dtheta; /* height of strip */
last_s = 0;
* First strip is between 0 and the
* earliest of 1'th f and g disconts.
gi = 1; fi = 1;
* Zero accumulators and compute initial slope.
ht0 = a = 0;
slope = (tr_s(g, 1) < tr_s(f, 1)) ? 0 : -sqr(tr_theta(g, 0) - tr_theta(f, 0));
* Count all the strips
for (i = 0, n = tr_n(f) + tr_n(g) - 1; i < n; ++i) {
* Compute height of current strip.
dtheta = tr_theta(g, gi-1) - tr_theta(f, fi-1);
* Determine flavor of discontinuity on right.
if (tr_s(f, fi) <= tr_s(g, gi)) {
* It's f. Compute width of current strip,
* then bump area accumulators.
ds = tr_s(f, fi) - last_s;
a += ds * dtheta;
ht0 += ds * dtheta * dtheta;
* Determine flavor of next strip. We know it's ff
* or fg. In latter case, bump accumulator. Note
* we've skipped the first strip. It's added as the
* "next" of the last strip.
if (tr_s(f, fi+1) > tr_s(g, gi))
slope += sqr(tr_theta(f, fi) - tr_theta(g, gi-1));
* Go to next f discontinuity.
last_s = tr_s(f, fi++);
else {
* Else it's g ...
ds = tr_s(g, gi) - last_s;
a += ds * dtheta;
ht0 += ds * dtheta * dtheta;
* ... and next strip is gg or gf, and again
* we're interested in the latter case.
if (tr_s(g, gi+1) >= tr_s(f, fi))
slope -= sqr(tr_theta(g, gi) - tr_theta(f, fi-1));
* Go to next g discontinuity.
last_s = tr_s(g, gi++);
* Set up all return values.
*ht0_rtn = ht0; *slope_rtn = slope; *a_rtn = a;
* Recompute ht0 and slope for the current event.
* Renormalize the turning reps so that the event
* discontinuities are first in each. This keeps
* all s values within [0,1) while recomputing so
* that all are represented with the same precision.
* If we check that no other events are pending within
* machine epsilon of t for (fi,gi) before calling this,
* numerical stability is guaranteed (unlike the first
* two ways I tried).
void reinit_vals(TURN_REP f, TURN_REP g, int fi, int gi, double *ht0_rtn, double *slope_rtn)
double a;
TURN_REP_REC fr, gr;
rotate_turn_rep(f, fi, &fr);
rotate_turn_rep(g, gi, &gr);
init_vals(&fr, &gr, ht0_rtn, slope_rtn, &a);
/* Compute number of events between successive reinits
that will not blow the asymptotice complexity bound. */
int reinit_interval(TURN_REP f, TURN_REP g)
return tr_n(f) * tr_n(g) / (min(tr_n(f), tr_n(g)) * ilog2(tr_n(g)));
* Following are routines to maintian the event heap. This
* is initialized with one event per g discontinuity, namely,
* the one due to the f discontinuity closest to the right.
* The sort key is the "f shift" parameter t. As the algorithm
* runs, it draws an event (of min t) from the heap, handles it,
* then inserts the event due to the *next* f discontinuity
* associated with the same g discontinuity (unless this event
* would have t>1).
* The heap insert and delete are minor modifications of pseudo-code
* from Horowitz and Sahni, Computer Algorithms.
static HEAP event;
static int n_events = 0;
* Insert a new event in the heap.
void add_event(TURN_REP f, TURN_REP g, int fi, int gi)
double t;
int i, j;
if ((t = tr_s(f, fi) - tr_s(g, gi)) > 1)
j = ++n_events;
i = n_events/2;
while (i > 0 && event[i].t > t) {
event[j] = event[i];
j = i;
i = i/2;
e = &event[j];
e->t = t;
e->fi = fi;
e->gi = gi;
* Remove the event of min t from the heap and return it.
EVENT_REC next_event(void)
int i;
EVENT_REC next = event[1]; /* remember event to return */
EVENT_REC e = event[n_events]; /* new root (before adjust) */
i = 2;
while (i <= n_events) {
if (i < n_events && event[i].t > event[i+1].t)
if (e.t <= event[i].t)
else {
event[i/2] = event[i];
i *= 2;
event[i/2] = e;
* Peek at the next t to come off the heap without
* removing the element.
#define next_t() event[1].t
* Scan the turning reps to create the initial
* events in the heap as described above.
void init_events(TURN_REP f, TURN_REP g)
int fi, gi;
n_events = 0;
* Cycle through all g discontinuities, including
* the one at s = 1. This takes care of s = 0.
for (fi = gi = 1; gi <= tr_n(g); ++gi) {
* Look for the first f discontinuity to the
* right of this g discontinuity.
while (tr_s(f, fi) <= tr_s(g, gi))
add_event(f, g, fi, gi);
* The heart of the algorithm: Compute the minimum value of the
* integral term of the metric by considering all critical events.
* This also returns the theta* and event associated with the minimum.
double h_t0min(TURN_REP f, TURN_REP g,
double hc0, double slope, double alpha, int d_update,
double *theta_star_rtn, EVENT e_rtn,
double *hc0_err_rtn, double *slope_err_rtn)
int left_to_update; /* # disconts left until update */
double metric2, min_metric2; /* d^2 and d^2_min thus far */
double theta_star, min_theta_star; /* theta* and theta*_min thus far */
double last_t; /* t of last iteration */
double hc0_err, slope_err; /* error mags discovered on update */
EVENT_REC e; /* current event */
EVENT_REC min_e; /* event of d^2_min thus far */
static EVENT_REC init_min_e = {0,0,0}; /* implicit first event */
* At t = 0, theta_star is just alpha, and the min
* metric2 seen so far is hc0 - min_theta_star^2.
* Also, no error has been seen.
min_theta_star = alpha;
min_metric2 = hc0 - min_theta_star * min_theta_star;
min_e = init_min_e;
last_t = hc0_err = slope_err = 0;
* Compute successive hc_i0's by incremental update
* at critical events as described in the paper.
left_to_update = d_update;
while (n_events > 0) {
e = next_event();
hc0 += (e.t - last_t) * slope;
theta_star = alpha - 2 * M_PI * e.t;
metric2 = hc0 - theta_star * theta_star;
if (metric2 < min_metric2) {
min_metric2 = metric2;
min_theta_star = theta_star;
min_e = e;
* Update slope, last t, and put next event for this g
* discontinuity in the heap.
slope += 2*(tr_theta(f, - tr_theta(f,
*(tr_theta(g, - tr_theta(g,;
last_t = e.t;
add_event(f, g,,;
* Re-establish hc0 and slope now and then
* to reduce numerical error. If d_update is 0, do nothing.
* Note we don't update if an event is close, as this
* causes numerical ambiguity. The test number could be much
* smaller, but why tempt Murphey? We force an update on last
* event so there's always at least one.
if (d_update &&
(n_events == 0 ||
--left_to_update <= 0 && e.t - last_t > 0.001 && next_t() - e.t > 0.001)) {
double rihc0, rislope, dhc0, dslope;
reinit_vals(f, g,,, &rihc0, &rislope);
dhc0 = hc0 - rihc0;
dslope = slope - rislope;
if (fabs(dhc0) > fabs(hc0_err))
hc0_err = dhc0;
if (fabs(dslope) > fabs(slope_err))
slope_err = dslope;
hc0 = rihc0;
slope = rislope;
left_to_update = d_update;
* Set up return values.
*theta_star_rtn = min_theta_star;
*e_rtn = min_e;
*hc0_err_rtn = hc0_err;
*slope_err_rtn = slope_err;
* Parse options, read polygons, convert to turning reps, initialize
* everything, compute the answers, and print the answers. Do all
* this in a loop until all the polygons are gone.
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
int update_p, precise_p, n_repeats, i;
TURN_REP_REC trf, trg;
TURN_REP f, g;
POLY_REC pf, pg;
double ht0, slope, alpha, theta_star, metric2, metric, ht0_err, slope_err;
#ifdef CPU_TIME
struct tms cpu_time;
clock_t cpu_start_time;
int elapsed_ms;
int total_elapsed_ms = 0;
#define start_cpu_time() \
(times(&cpu_time), cpu_start_time = cpu_time.tms_utime)
#define get_cpu_time() \
(times(&cpu_time), (cpu_time.tms_utime - cpu_start_time)*1000/HZ)
precise_p = 0;
update_p = 1;
n_repeats = 1;
while(--argc) {
if (argv[0][0] == '-' && argv[0][1] != '\0')
switch(argv[0][1]) {
case 'p':
precise_p = 1;
case 'n':
update_p = 0;
case 'r':
if (sscanf(&argv[0][2], "%d", &i) == 1)
n_repeats = i;
fprintf(stderr, "sim: unknown option\n");
if (read_poly(&pg)) {
poly_to_turn_rep(&pg, &trg);
g = &trg;
while (read_poly(&pf)) {
poly_to_turn_rep(&pf, &trf);
f = &trf;
#ifdef CPU_TIME
/* Performance measure repeat loop. */
for (i = 0; i < n_repeats; ++i) {
init_vals(f, g, &ht0, &slope, &alpha);
init_events(f, g);
metric2 = h_t0min(f, g,
ht0, slope, alpha,
update_p ? reinit_interval(f, g) : 0,
&theta_star, &e, &ht0_err, &slope_err);
#ifdef CPU_TIME
elapsed_ms = get_cpu_time();
total_elapsed_ms += elapsed_ms;
* Fixups: The value of metric2 can be a tiny
* negative number for an exact match. Call it 0.
* Theta_star can be over 360 or under -360 because we
* handle t=0 events at t=1. Normalize to [-PI,PI).
metric = metric2 > 0 ? sqrt(metric2) : 0;
printf(precise_p ? "%.18lg %.18lg %d %d %lg %lg" : "%lg %lg %d %d %lg %lg",
metric, turn(theta_star, 0)*180/M_PI,
tr_i(f,, tr_i(g,, ht0_err, slope_err);
#ifdef CPU_TIME
printf(" %d\n", (elapsed_ms + (n_repeats/2))/n_repeats);
#ifdef CPU_TIME
printf("total user time: %d ms\n", (total_elapsed_ms + (n_repeats/2))/n_repeats);
I know it's extremely long, but I'm pretty lost trying to figure out how to make this a MEX file. Please help! Thanks!
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 14 Nov 2011
The volunteers who know how to do these things generally sleep until at least another 6 hours after my present posting; and the best person around for this usually only checks postings every three or four days.
I see you are at Rutgers, so you *know* that it is currently Sunday night in North America. You shouldn't count on any volunteer specialist being available on a Sunday night: volunteer specialists need their family time and their sleep.
ssklios Sklios
ssklios Sklios on 14 Nov 2011
You are right. Sorry for asking inconsiderately.

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Answers (2)

Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind on 14 Nov 2011
You need to create a mexFunction wrapper to call into your entry function. See Creating C/C++ and Fortran Programs to be Callable from MATLAB (MEX-Files) and MEX-files Guide. Perhaps it would be best if you get started with the simple timestwo.c example in the second link to get a feel for how MEX-function are written. Once you have implemented a wrapper, please post back with specific problems or questions that you have while doing so.

ssklios Sklios
ssklios Sklios on 14 Nov 2011
Here is my best shot at a mexFunction wrapper. As far as I can tell, pg and pf are the polygon inputs and theta_star and metric are the outputs that I'm after. The mexFunction wrapper is toward the bottom of the code. My main specific problem is understanding how the code I found is accessing the inputs. Any clue?
/* Date: Sun, 21 Jun 92 19:33:02 -0400
From: (Gene Ressler)
Message-Id: <>
Received: by (5.65/N-0.12)
id AA03090; Sun, 21 Jun 92 19:32:59 -0400
Subject: Code for polygon similarity..
Status: RO
I remembered you're interested in the implementation
of the algorithm in the `paper of many authors', but didn't
have an e-mail address for you until Bruce just sent it.
The code follows.
Please note how a heap (priority queue) is used to improve
the run time given in the paper just a bit.
The end result is that it does 21 of the matches from the
paper in about 175 milliseconds (about 8ms apiece) on
a Sparc 1+. I include the data file.
I'd be most interested in learning about bugs, as the code
should be robust --- there is a rough proof correctness
that the floating point math can't mess up the combinatorics.
----- sim.c -----
* Implementation of "An Efficiently Computable Metric
* for Comparing Polygonal Shapes," by Arkin, Chew, Huttenlocher,
* Kedem, and Mitchel (undated). This expands a little on the
* cited reference to achieve O(n) space and O(mn log n)
* run time.
* This could be improved to O(min m,n) and O(mn log min m,n)
* by selecting the smallest of the 2 polys to create the initial
* event heap. See init_events().
* Variable names match the article.
* Implementation (c) Eugene K. Ressler 91, 92 This source may be
* freely distributed and used for non-commercial purposes, so long
* as this comment is attached to any code copied or derived from it.
* Make gcc version 2.1:
* gcc [-g] [-O2 -finline-functions] [-DCPU_TIME] sim.c -lm -o sim
* Turbo C 2.0 or TC++ 1.0:
* tcc [-O -Z -G] sim.c -o sim.exe
* Usage:
* sim [-n] [-p] [-r#] [< infile] [> outfile]
* Options:
* -n suppresses brute force updates to reduce numerical error.
* This typically speeds things up a lot for big polygons.
* I haven't seen any inputs where the updates do much good.
* -p prints the metric value in full double precision.
* -r repeats the calculation for each polygon # times to assist in
* performance measure for small polygons. This number is factored
* out of run time reports when compiled with -DCPU_TIME, so higher
* numbers compensate for grainy clocks.
* I/O:
* A model polygon and then any number of polygons to be compared
* to the model are read from standard input. For each of the
* latter, a single line of metric information is written to the
* standard output. Polygons are expected as counterclockwise
* vertex lists, one vertex (x, y) per line. Any line that does
* not begin with <digit>| . | - is not scanned and
* taken as the end of a polygon. Output lines look like:
* <metric> <theta* (degrees)> <f corner> <g corner> <ht0 err> <slope err> [ <cpu time in ms> ]
* Metric and theta* are as given in the paper. The corners are
* vertex numbers (0-based) of the vertices at the critical
* event that gave the best match. Polygon f is the last read;
* g is the model. The error terms are the maximum magnitudes of
* errors discovered during brute force updates. These will be zero
* if the -n option is invoked.
* Bugs:
* The input routine uses gets() with an input buffer of 80 chars,
* so inputs containing long lines will cause unpredictable results.
* We should really size things dynamically. Currently the number of
* points in input polys is limited by a compile-time constant.
* The code may not work with redundant vertices or
* edges that fold back on their predecessors.
* The proof of correctness for this calculation is based on IEEE
* floating point numbers. All bets are off with other standards.
* If the proof is wrong, it will almost inevitably show up as large
* numbers (over, say 10^-3) in the error terms of the heuristic.
* Compiling with -DCPU_TIME causes the time for each metric calculation
* in ms to be appended. Unfortunately, most systems provide this accurate
* to 1/60 sec (16.6.. ms) only. Small polygons take much less time than
* this to compare. The -r option compensates for this with a hack.
#include "mex.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifdef CPU_TIME
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
// void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[ ],int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[ ])
* Largest polygon to be handled.
#define MAX_PTS 100
* Types.
typedef double COORD; /* Cartesian coordinate */
typedef struct pt { /* Cartesian point */
COORD x, y;
typedef struct poly { /* polygon of n points */
int n;
typedef struct leg { /* single leg of a turning rep polygon */
double theta; /* heading of the leg */
double len; /* length in original coordinates */
double s; /* cumulative arc length in [0,1] of start */
} LEG;
typedef struct turnrep { /* polygon in turning rep */
int n;
double total_len;
typedef struct event { /* critical event */
double t; /* "f shift" parameter of the event */
int fi, gi; /* pointers into turn reps f and g */
* These are to make a turning rep look infinite.
* Given the rep and the "index" of a discontinuity,
* 0,1,..., these return s and theta adjusted by
* the correct number of turns around the polygon.
#define tr_n(tr) tr->n
#define tr_i(tr, i) (i % tr->n)
#define tr_len(tr, i) tr->leg[tr_i(tr, i)].len
double tr_s(TURN_REP tr, int i)
return(tr->leg[i % tr->n].s + i / tr->n);
double tr_smt(TURN_REP tr, int i, double t)
return((tr->leg[i % tr->n].s - t) + i / tr->n);
double tr_theta(TURN_REP tr, int i)
return(tr->leg[i % tr->n].theta + i / tr->n * 2 * M_PI);
* Square a double.
double sqr(double x)
return(x * x);
* Compute min of two ints.
int min(int x, int y)
return(x < y ? x : y);
* Compute floor(log_base2(x))
int ilog2(int x)
int l;
l = -1;
while (x != 0) {
x >>= 1;
* Return angle a, adjusted by +-2kPI so that it
* is within [base-PI, base+PI).
double turn(double a, double base)
while (a - base < -M_PI) a += 2 * M_PI;
while (a - base >= M_PI) a -= 2 * M_PI;
/* Get a line from the input file. */
int read_line(char *buf, int buf_size, int *line)
int ch;
/* Set sentinel at end of buffer. */
buf[buf_size - 1] = buf[buf_size - 2] = '\1';
if (fgets(buf, buf_size, stdin) == NULL)
return 0;
/* Count successfully retrieved line. */
/* Purge rest of line if it was longer than buffer. */
if (buf[buf_size - 1] == '\0' && buf[buf_size - 2] != '\n') {
do {
ch = getchar();
} while (ch != EOF && ch != '\n');
// fprintf(stderr, "warning: truncated line %d\n", *line);
return 1;
* Read a polygon from the standard input. One (x,y) pair
* is expected per line. EOF or a line not starting with
* a digit, -, or . end the polygon. Returns 1 if a valid
* polygon (3 or more vertics) was read. Unparsable input
* and polygons too big or small are reported. An abort
* ensues in all cases.
int read_poly(POLY poly)
static int line = 0;
int i;
char buf[82];
i = 0;
while(read_line(buf, sizeof buf, &line) &&
(isdigit(buf[0]) || buf[0] == '.' || buf[0] == '-')) {
if (sscanf(buf, "%lf %lf", &poly->pt[i].x, &poly->pt[i].y) != 2) {
// fprintf(stderr, "line %d: bad point\n", line);
if (++i >= MAX_PTS) {
// fprintf(stderr, "line %d: polygon too big\n", line);
if (i > 0 && i < 3) {
// fprintf(stderr, "line %d: null polygon\n", line);
return(poly->n = i);
* Convert a polygon to a turning rep. This computes the
* absolute angle of each leg wrt the x-axis, then adjusts
* this to within PI of the last leg to form the turning
* angle. Finally, the total length of all legs is used
* to compute the cumulative normalized arc length of each
* discontinuity, s.
void poly_to_turn_rep(POLY p, TURN_REP t)
int n, i0, i1;
double dx, dy, theta1, theta0, total_len, len;
n = t->n = p->n;
total_len = 0;
for (theta0 = 0, i0 = 0; i0 < n; theta0 = theta1, ++i0) {
* Look one vertex ahead of i0 to compute the leg.
i1 = (i0 + 1) % n;
dx = p->pt[i1].x - p->pt[i0].x;
dy = p->pt[i1].y - p->pt[i0].y;
t->leg[i0].theta = theta1 = turn(atan2(dy, dx), theta0);
total_len += t->leg[i0].len = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
t->total_len = total_len;
for (len = 0, i0 = 0; i0 < n; ++i0) {
t->leg[i0].s = len/total_len;
len += t->leg[i0].len;
* Fill in a turn rep with a rotated version of an
* original. Normalized arc lengths start at 0 in
* the new representation.
void rotate_turn_rep(TURN_REP t, int to, TURN_REP r)
int ti, ri, n;
double len, total_len;
LEG *l;
n = r->n = t->n;
total_len = r->total_len = t->total_len;
for (ti = to, ri = 0; ri < n; ++ti, ++ri) {
l = &r->leg[ri];
l->theta = tr_theta(t, ti);
l->len = tr_len(t, ti);
l->s = tr_s(t, ti);
for (len = 0, ri = 0; ri < n; ++ri) {
r->leg[ri].s = len/total_len;
len += r->leg[ri].len;
* In one O(m + n) pass over the turning reps of the polygons
* to be matched, this computes all the terms needed to incrementally
* compute the metric. See the paper.
void init_vals(TURN_REP f, TURN_REP g, double *ht0_rtn, double *slope_rtn, double *a_rtn)
int i, n; /* loop params */
int fi, gi; /* disconts that bound current strip */
double ht0, slope; /* per paper */
double a; /* alpha in the paper */
double last_s; /* s at left edge of current strip */
double ds; /* width of strip */
double dtheta; /* height of strip */
last_s = 0;
* First strip is between 0 and the
* earliest of 1'th f and g disconts.
gi = 1; fi = 1;
* Zero accumulators and compute initial slope.
ht0 = a = 0;
slope = (tr_s(g, 1) < tr_s(f, 1)) ? 0 : -sqr(tr_theta(g, 0) - tr_theta(f, 0));
* Count all the strips
for (i = 0, n = tr_n(f) + tr_n(g) - 1; i < n; ++i) {
* Compute height of current strip.
dtheta = tr_theta(g, gi-1) - tr_theta(f, fi-1);
* Determine flavor of discontinuity on right.
if (tr_s(f, fi) <= tr_s(g, gi)) {
* It's f. Compute width of current strip,
* then bump area accumulators.
ds = tr_s(f, fi) - last_s;
a += ds * dtheta;
ht0 += ds * dtheta * dtheta;
* Determine flavor of next strip. We know it's ff
* or fg. In latter case, bump accumulator. Note
* we've skipped the first strip. It's added as the
* "next" of the last strip.
if (tr_s(f, fi+1) > tr_s(g, gi))
slope += sqr(tr_theta(f, fi) - tr_theta(g, gi-1));
* Go to next f discontinuity.
last_s = tr_s(f, fi++);
else {
* Else it's g ...
ds = tr_s(g, gi) - last_s;
a += ds * dtheta;
ht0 += ds * dtheta * dtheta;
* ... and next strip is gg or gf, and again
* we're interested in the latter case.
if (tr_s(g, gi+1) >= tr_s(f, fi))
slope -= sqr(tr_theta(g, gi) - tr_theta(f, fi-1));
* Go to next g discontinuity.
last_s = tr_s(g, gi++);
* Set up all return values.
*ht0_rtn = ht0; *slope_rtn = slope; *a_rtn = a;
* Recompute ht0 and slope for the current event.
* Renormalize the turning reps so that the event
* discontinuities are first in each. This keeps
* all s values within [0,1) while recomputing so
* that all are represented with the same precision.
* If we check that no other events are pending within
* machine epsilon of t for (fi,gi) before calling this,
* numerical stability is guaranteed (unlike the first
* two ways I tried).
void reinit_vals(TURN_REP f, TURN_REP g, int fi, int gi, double *ht0_rtn, double *slope_rtn)
double a;
TURN_REP_REC fr, gr;
rotate_turn_rep(f, fi, &fr);
rotate_turn_rep(g, gi, &gr);
init_vals(&fr, &gr, ht0_rtn, slope_rtn, &a);
/* Compute number of events between successive reinits
that will not blow the asymptotice complexity bound. */
int reinit_interval(TURN_REP f, TURN_REP g)
return tr_n(f) * tr_n(g) / (min(tr_n(f), tr_n(g)) * ilog2(tr_n(g)));
* Following are routines to maintian the event heap. This
* is initialized with one event per g discontinuity, namely,
* the one due to the f discontinuity closest to the right.
* The sort key is the "f shift" parameter t. As the algorithm
* runs, it draws an event (of min t) from the heap, handles it,
* then inserts the event due to the *next* f discontinuity
* associated with the same g discontinuity (unless this event
* would have t>1).
* The heap insert and delete are minor modifications of pseudo-code
* from Horowitz and Sahni, Computer Algorithms.
static HEAP event;
static int n_events = 0;
* Insert a new event in the heap.
void add_event(TURN_REP f, TURN_REP g, int fi, int gi)
double t;
int i, j;
if ((t = tr_s(f, fi) - tr_s(g, gi)) > 1)
j = ++n_events;
i = n_events/2;
while (i > 0 && event[i].t > t) {
event[j] = event[i];
j = i;
i = i/2;
e = &event[j];
e->t = t;
e->fi = fi;
e->gi = gi;
* Remove the event of min t from the heap and return it.
EVENT_REC next_event(void)
int i;
EVENT_REC next = event[1]; /* remember event to return */
EVENT_REC e = event[n_events]; /* new root (before adjust) */
i = 2;
while (i <= n_events) {
if (i < n_events && event[i].t > event[i+1].t)
if (e.t <= event[i].t)
else {
event[i/2] = event[i];
i *= 2;
event[i/2] = e;
* Peek at the next t to come off the heap without
* removing the element.
#define next_t() event[1].t
* Scan the turning reps to create the initial
* events in the heap as described above.
void init_events(TURN_REP f, TURN_REP g)
int fi, gi;
n_events = 0;
* Cycle through all g discontinuities, including
* the one at s = 1. This takes care of s = 0.
for (fi = gi = 1; gi <= tr_n(g); ++gi) {
* Look for the first f discontinuity to the
* right of this g discontinuity.
while (tr_s(f, fi) <= tr_s(g, gi))
add_event(f, g, fi, gi);
* The heart of the algorithm: Compute the minimum value of the
* integral term of the metric by considering all critical events.
* This also returns the theta* and event associated with the minimum.
double h_t0min(TURN_REP f, TURN_REP g,
double hc0, double slope, double alpha, int d_update,
double *theta_star_rtn, EVENT e_rtn,
double *hc0_err_rtn, double *slope_err_rtn)
int left_to_update; /* # disconts left until update */
double metric2, min_metric2; /* d^2 and d^2_min thus far */
double theta_star, min_theta_star; /* theta* and theta*_min thus far */
double last_t; /* t of last iteration */
double hc0_err, slope_err; /* error mags discovered on update */
EVENT_REC e; /* current event */
EVENT_REC min_e; /* event of d^2_min thus far */
static EVENT_REC init_min_e = {0,0,0}; /* implicit first event */
* At t = 0, theta_star is just alpha, and the min
* metric2 seen so far is hc0 - min_theta_star^2.
* Also, no error has been seen.
min_theta_star = alpha;
min_metric2 = hc0 - min_theta_star * min_theta_star;
min_e = init_min_e;
last_t = hc0_err = slope_err = 0;
* Compute successive hc_i0's by incremental update
* at critical events as described in the paper.
left_to_update = d_update;
while (n_events > 0) {
e = next_event();
hc0 += (e.t - last_t) * slope;
theta_star = alpha - 2 * M_PI * e.t;
metric2 = hc0 - theta_star * theta_star;
if (metric2 < min_metric2) {
min_metric2 = metric2;
min_theta_star = theta_star;
min_e = e;
* Update slope, last t, and put next event for this g
* discontinuity in the heap.
slope += 2*(tr_theta(f, - tr_theta(f,
*(tr_theta(g, - tr_theta(g,;
last_t = e.t;
add_event(f, g,,;
* Re-establish hc0 and slope now and then
* to reduce numerical error. If d_update is 0, do nothing.
* Note we don't update if an event is close, as this
* causes numerical ambiguity. The test number could be much
* smaller, but why tempt Murphey? We force an update on last
* event so there's always at least one.
if (d_update &&
(n_events == 0 ||
--left_to_update <= 0 && e.t - last_t > 0.001 && next_t() - e.t > 0.001)) {
double rihc0, rislope, dhc0, dslope;
reinit_vals(f, g,,, &rihc0, &rislope);
dhc0 = hc0 - rihc0;
dslope = slope - rislope;
if (fabs(dhc0) > fabs(hc0_err))
hc0_err = dhc0;
if (fabs(dslope) > fabs(slope_err))
slope_err = dslope;
hc0 = rihc0;
slope = rislope;
left_to_update = d_update;
* Set up return values.
*theta_star_rtn = min_theta_star;
*e_rtn = min_e;
*hc0_err_rtn = hc0_err;
*slope_err_rtn = slope_err;
* Parse options, read polygons, convert to turning reps, initialize
* everything, compute the answers, and print the answers. Do all
* this in a loop until all the polygons are gone.
// void main(int argc, char *argv[])
* void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[ ],int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[ ])
mxArray *pg_m, *pf_m, *metric_m, *theta_m;
double *pf,*pg;
int update_p, precise_p, n_repeats, i;
TURN_REP_REC trf, trg;
TURN_REP f, g;
POLY_REC pf, pg;
double ht0, slope, alpha, theta_star, metric2, metric, ht0_err, slope_err;
metric_m=plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
theta_star_m=plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
pg = mxGetPr(pg_m);
pf = mxGetPr(pf_m);
mectric = mxGetPr(metric_m);
theta = mxGetPr(theta_m);
#ifdef CPU_TIME
struct tms cpu_time;
clock_t cpu_start_time;
int elapsed_ms;
int total_elapsed_ms = 0;
#define start_cpu_time() \
(times(&cpu_time), cpu_start_time = cpu_time.tms_utime)
#define get_cpu_time() \
(times(&cpu_time), (cpu_time.tms_utime - cpu_start_time)*1000/HZ)
precise_p = 0;
update_p = 1;
n_repeats = 1;
// while(--argc) {
// ++argv;
// if (argv[0][0] == '-' && argv[0][1] != '\0')
// switch(argv[0][1]) {
// case 'p':
// precise_p = 1;
// break;
// case 'n':
// update_p = 0;
// break;
// case 'r':
// if (sscanf(&argv[0][2], "%d", &i) == 1)
// n_repeats = i;
// break;
// default:
// // fprintf(stderr, "sim: unknown option\n");
// exit(1);
if (read_poly(&pg)) {
poly_to_turn_rep(&pg, &trg);
g = &trg;
while (read_poly(&pf)) {
poly_to_turn_rep(&pf, &trf);
f = &trf;
#ifdef CPU_TIME
/* Performance measure repeat loop. */
for (i = 0; i < n_repeats; ++i) {
init_vals(f, g, &ht0, &slope, &alpha);
init_events(f, g);
metric2 = h_t0min(f, g,
ht0, slope, alpha,
update_p ? reinit_interval(f, g) : 0,
&theta_star, &e, &ht0_err, &slope_err);
#ifdef CPU_TIME
elapsed_ms = get_cpu_time();
total_elapsed_ms += elapsed_ms;
* Fixups: The value of metric2 can be a tiny
* negative number for an exact match. Call it 0.
* Theta_star can be over 360 or under -360 because we
* handle t=0 events at t=1. Normalize to [-PI,PI).
metric = metric2 > 0 ? sqrt(metric2) : 0;
printf(precise_p ? "%.18lg %.18lg %d %d %lg %lg" : "%lg %lg %d %d %lg %lg",
metric, turn(theta_star, 0)*180/M_PI,
tr_i(f,, tr_i(g,, ht0_err, slope_err);
#ifdef CPU_TIME
printf(" %d\n", (elapsed_ms + (n_repeats/2))/n_repeats);
#ifdef CPU_TIME
printf("total user time: %d ms\n", (total_elapsed_ms + (n_repeats/2))/n_repeats);

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