How to show and work with a 3D image from the Bosphorus database (or a similar database) - Starting from a Nx(3+2) matrix from a range sensor

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I've the problem that I don't know how to use the Bosphorus data. First of all, my final goal is, to create a 3D face recognition system from the Bosphorus database.
This Bosphorus database provides me the following data
  • images of a human faces (.png)
  • landmarks of a human faces [Person X - Outer left eyebrow : -91.623 7.905 -83.9 ... ]
  • an Nx5 matrix
And that its basicly everything.
But before I go further, here is the description of the Nx5 Matrix :
% Date: 2008
% Outputs:
% zmin : minimum depth value denoting the background | = -1000000
% nrows : subsampled number of rows | = 229
% ncols : subsampled number of columns | = 188
% imfile : image file name
% data : Nx5 matrix where columns are 3D coordinates and 2D | N = 43052
% normalized image coordinates respectively. 2D coordinates are
% normalized to the range [0,1]. N = nrows*ncols. In this matrix, values
% that are equal to zmin denotes the background.
-1000000000 -1000000000 -1000000000 0,995567 0,003639
-1000000000 -1000000000 -1000000000 0,990248 0,003639
-1000000000 -1000000000 -1000000000 0,984929 0,003639
... ... ... ... ...
And now the real question: How do I handle this data ?
First of all, how do I create an 3D image like in the following image by this data?
Secondly, the Bosphorus data is normalized. But the landmarks are not. How can I plot, use, anker, refer the landmark points on that 3D image?
Third, How can I calculate the geodesic distance between 2 points from the 3D image? E.g. the geodesic distance between two landmarks (shortest path, Dijkstra). Thus how do I hop from the one to another.
And that is basicly it. I've tried a lot of papers but all of them starts with the given 3D image even though they use the Bosphorus database or a similar one.
I hope that someone can help me, everything is welcome
Kind regards
(btw, I'm using matlab & I'm not an expert)

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