Generation of Chromosome in MATLAB

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Aryama Mandal
Aryama Mandal on 21 May 2015
M= the total no of machine. C= the total number of cell. P= the total no of parts. t(ij)= the processing time of part j on machine i. T(i)= the available time on machine i. N(j)= the production requirement of part j. w(ij)= machine-part incidence matrix= (t(ij)*N(j))/T(i) x(il)= cell membership matrix, where, x(il) =1 if ith machine is in cell l, otherwise 0. m(lj)= matrix of average cell load, where,
m(lj)= {Sum(i=1to M)(x(il)*w(i,j))}/{sum(i=1 to M)x(il)}
x(il) is basically the arrangement of machines in cell. So, arrangement can be of different type. And I need all the possible types of arrangement. Where, x(il)= [1 0;0 1;1 0;0 1;1 0] When, 1st , 3rd ,and 5th machine is in cell 1 And 2nd and 4th machine is in cell 2. Using this value of x , for all x m(lj) will be calculated, so that we will have the optimized value.

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