NN transfer function (tansig and purelin)

6 views (last 30 days)
Youssef on 21 Nov 2011
I have a NN with tansig transfer function for hyden and pureline for output layer. The problem is that I'm not getting the same result as Matlab output.
load net.mat % load network object called network1
r = sim(network1, P(1))
xmin = network1.inputs{1}.processSettings{2}.xmin;
xmax = network1.inputs{1}.processSettings{2}.xmax;
xrange = xmax-xmin;
ymin = network1.outputs{2}.processSettings{2}.xmin;
ymax = network1.outputs{2}.processSettings{2}.xmax;
yrange = ymax-ymin;
P2 = (P(1)-xmin) * (2/xrange) - 1;
lay1 = tansig(network1.IW{1}*P(2)+network1.b{1});
r1 = purelin(network1.LW{2}*lay1+network1.b{2});
r2 = (r1+1) * (yrange/2) + ymin

Answers (1)

Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 21 Nov 2011
Several posters, including myself have been unable to reproduce outputs using the weights stored with the network.
Hope this helps.

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