Single Item Recognition Task. I need to create code for the "Test" portion of the experiment that is forced choice. I need to show them 24 targets and 24 foils...

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It needs to be random whether the a target of foil is on the left or right. I also need to create code that would allow participants to choose either left or right. Here is the code for the "Study" portion of the experiment.
studytime = 3
Words=textread( 'mf.txt' , '%s' , 'delimiter' , '\t' );
total_words = length(Words);
rand_order = randperm(total_words);
for i = 1: listlength; %displays words
stimulus = char(Words(rand_order(i)));%Randomize Words
t2= text(.4,.5,stimulus,'FontSize',20);
pause (studytime)
fprintf(fid, '%s\t%s\t\r\n' ,PN , i);

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