Error: Attempted to access E(-251); index must be a positive integer or logical

1 view (last 30 days)
I have a function that gives this error. I did not write this code nor do I have anything more then a novice understanding of MATLAB code. Unfortunately, I do not know anyone with the expertise to help me troubleshoot. I've tried messing with abs on the equation in question that gives the error but then the error reads A(-251) and if I abs both of them I get 0. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
function E = findevents(motion,fps,win)
frames = length(motion);
L = ceil(fps*win); % 10 second window
d = 1; % Displace by 1 frame
E = (10*ones(frames,1));
A = (10*ones(frames,1));
for i=floor(L/2):d:frames-(floor(L/2)-d)
snippet = (motion(i-floor(L/2)+1:i+floor(L/2)-d));
deviation = (snippet-mean(snippet)).^2;
E(i) = sqrt(mean(deviation));
A(i) = mean(snippet);
% E(A>=.5) = .5;
Error in findevents (line 11) E(i) = (sqrt(mean(deviation)));

Answers (1)

Thorsten on 28 May 2015
In Matlab the indices have to be integer numbers > zero. So if you use
E(i) = sqrt(mean(deviation));
A(i) = mean(snippet);
you have to ensure that i is always > 0 and integer.
You could probably rewrite the code as follows:
ind = floor(L/2):d:frames-(floor(L/2)-d);
for i=1:numel(ind)
ii = ind(i);
snippet = (motion(ii-floor(L/2)+1:ii+floor(L/2)-d));
deviation = (snippet-mean(snippet)).^2;
E(i) = sqrt(mean(deviation));
A(i) = mean(snippet);
Arnold G
Arnold G on 1 Jun 2015
Edited: Arnold G on 1 Jun 2015
Thanks for your assistance. As advised, I reran the file. The output was as follows:
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
evnts 7398x1 59184 double
thr 1x1 8 double
Location 6894x1 27576 single
Location2 6894x1 27576 single
Additionally, I have shared the file in question. Also, if it would better to repost or post elsewhere please let me know. Thanks!
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 1 Jun 2015
Your Location and Location2 are the same size so it makes sense to test them with == to get back an array of the same size. But your evnts is a completely different size, about 504 entries larger. For any given Location(J), which evnts should be correspond?

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