Minimize Tracking Error using Quadprog

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Sudha Sethuraman
Sudha Sethuraman on 29 May 2015
I have a set of benchmark weights Wb (N X 1) vector and a covariance matrix H (N X N) matrix . I want to get portfolio weights Wp that minimizes tracking error (TE) relative to Wb. So my objectivity function is
= 1/2 * Wp * H * Wp - (H * Wb)' * Wp
Currently the only constraint I have is lb >=0 and sum (Wp) = 1
With these conditions and no constraints, the quadprog should return Wb as the solution set so that with Wp = Wb, TE will be 0
However when I run the function below
nIds = numel(Wb);
Aeq =ones(1,nIds);
beq = 100;
opts = optimset('Algorithm','active-set','MaxIter',10000);
opts = optimset(opts,'tolFun',1e-15);
f = - H * Wb;
[x,fval,exitflag] = quadprog(H,f,[],[],Aeq,beq,lb,[],[],opts);
I get Wp that is close to Wb not exactly Wb. Can someone help?

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