Calculating the Jacobian -- How to Convert an Anonymous Function to a Symbolic Function

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I am currently working on a complicated system of ~30 ODE's. To solve the system I have to use a stiff solver and calculate the jacobian of the system. I have written a successful series of functions that accomplishes this, however it requires that I define the ODE system in the "jacobian-calculating" function. Because of the complexity of my system I would prefer to create a stand-alone "model-function" that can be called by either my ode solver or my jacobian-calculating function.
I have included minimal examples of my code below. I believe my problem is with the line:
%Convert the "Numeric" System to a Symbolic System
SymbolicSystem = sym(NumericSystem);
where "NumericSystem" is the handle for the anonymous function of my ode system. This line is contained in my function "testjacobian".
Does anyone know how to convert an anonymous function into a symbolic function? Or is there a better strategy for what I'm trying to do?
I do know that my code seems a bit contrived for this simple system, but this is because I have tried to capture the essential elements of the code used to solve my more complex system.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks in advance,
function testdriver
a = 1;
b = 2;
c = 3;
d = 4;
param = [a b c d];
%Initial Conditions
start1 = 0;
start2 = 1;
init = [start1, start2];
%Calculate the solution
[t,x] = testsolver(param,init);
%Dynamics Plot
%Call a function that plots the data
% .... %
function [t,x]=testsolver(param,initial)
%Integration Domain
tspan = [0,10];
%Initial Conditions
x1init = initial(1);
x2init = initial(2);
xinit = [x1init,x2init];
%Construct the Scalar-Valued, Numeric, Jacobian Function
J = testjacobian(param);
%Convert the function to a Vector-Valued, Numeric Function
CalcJac = @(t,x) call_on(J,x);
%Define Integration Options -- Use the Jacobian
opts1 = odeset('Jacobian',CalcJac);
%Integrate the System
[t,x] = ode15s(@(t,x)testmodel(t,x,param),tspan,xinit,opts1);
function r = call_on(func, array)
%This Function Converts a Scalar-Valued Function to a Vector-Valued Function
vector = num2cell(array);
r = func(vector{:});
function xp = testmodel(t,x,param)
%Define Parameters
A = param(1);
B = param(2);
C = param(3);
D = param(4);
%Assign x values to Variable Names
thing1 = x(1);
thing2 = x(2);
%Initialize the Derivatives to Zero
xp = zeros(2,1);
%System of ODE's
xp(1) = A*thing1^2 + B*thing2;
xp(2) = C*thing1 + D;
function Jacob=testjacobian(param)
%Initialize Symbolic Variables
syms tsym y1 y2
y = [y1 y2];
%Using "param" Construct a (t,x)-Dependent System
NumericSystem = @(t,x)testmodel(t,x,param);
%Convert the "Numeric" System to a Symbolic System
SymbolicSystem = sym(NumericSystem);
%Calculate the Jacobian of the Symbolic System
SymbolicJacobian = jacobian(SymbolicSystem',y);
%Convert the Symbolic Function to a "Numeric" Function Dependent on y
Jacob = matlabFunction(SymbolicJacobian,'var',y);
  1 Comment
Laura on 31 May 2015
Edited Original Question:
Original Text contained the line: " [t,x,TE,YE,IE] = testsolver(param,init);"
Because the minimal code provided does not contain any event definitions the provided code has been updates to read: " [t,x] = testsolver(param,init);"

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 31 May 2015
NumericSystem = @(t,x)testmodel(t,x,param);
%Convert the "Numeric" System to a Symbolic System
SymbolicSystem = sym(NumericSystem);
syms t
SymbolicSystem = testmodel(t, y, param);
You are thinking of testmodel as numeric, but really at this point you are dealing in formula to build the symbolic jacobian, so it is fine to pass symbolic variables to it. You would have difficulty if the actual code in testmodel used "if" or comparisons based upon any parameter that you pass in symbolically, but such systems could be written in terms of Heaviside (but watch out for what Heaviside(0) means.)
Remember to simplify() your symbolic jacobian before turning it into an anonymous function, just for efficiency.
Laura on 2 Sep 2015
Edited: Walter Roberson on 5 Sep 2015
Walter, thank you again for taking the time to answer my question. Your solution worked with one modification. My goal was to structure testmodel in such a way that it could be called (in testdriver) by both testjacobian and testsolver.
ode15s requires (as I understand it) that the derivative vector(xp) in the model be initialized to the zero vector.
Initializing the derivative vector (xp) to zeros in testmodel causes it to become type "double" which causes problems when trying to calculate the symbolic Jacobian.
Using your suggestion above and changing
>xp = zeros(2,1);
>if isa(t,'double')
xp = zeros(2,1);
allowed the codes to run the way I'd hoped.
Thank you for your advice,

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