Solve complex chamical equilibrium using Newton-Raphson

3 views (last 30 days)
I have 9 equation, such as this figure below,. I have to solve this equation to get value n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6. Can you help me? Danke. I have MATLAB R2013a

Answers (1)

Torsten on 19 Jun 2015
help fsolve
Best wishes
rifa'atul mahmudhah
rifa'atul mahmudhah on 15 Jul 2015
thankyou Torsten.
I just make the program like this: I have two m.file,... cobafun.m for input the parameter, and gas_func.m for write the solver.
.............there is my cobafun.m...............
function [fx] = cobafun(x)
nH2 = x(1);
nC = x(2);
nCO2 = x(3);
nH2O = x(4);
nCO = x(5);
nCH4 = x(6);
lamda1 = x(7);
lamda2 = x(8);
lamda3 = x(9);
R = 0.008314; %kJ/(mol.K)
%that will be variated
a = 0.5; %molar ratio
T = 773; %Temperature
%total of mol
ntotal = nH2 + nC + nCO2 + nH2O + nCO + nCH4;
%balance atom equation
fx (7,1) = 2*nH2 + 4*nCH4 + 2*nH2O - 1.67 + 2*a; %hydrogen (H) balance
fx (8,1) = nCO2 + nCO + nC + nCH4 - 1; %carbon (C) balance
fx (9,1) = 2*nH2 + nCO + nH2O - 0.75 - a; %oksygen (O) balance
%Gibbs equation
fx (1,1) = log(nH2/ntotal)*R*T + (2*lamda1);
fx (2,1) = log(nC/ntotal)*R*T + (lamda2);
fx (3,1) = -395.4928817 + log(nCO2/ntotal)*R*T + (lamda2 + 2*lamda3);
fx (4,1) = -205.0850656 + log(nH2O/ntotal)*R*T + (2*lamda1 + lamda3);
fx (5,1) = -180.3948228 + log(nCO/ntotal)*R*T + (lamda2 + lamda3);
fx (6,1) = -4.922967331 + log(nCH4/ntotal)*R*T + (lamda2 + 4*lamda1);
......................there is my gas_func.m.............
function gasf_func
clear, clc;
x0 = [0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.1 1 1 1]; %initial guess (still confuse how to take the value)
disp('variable values at the initial estimate');
disp(' variabel value function value');
for i=1:size(x0,2);
disp([' x' int2str(i) ' ' num2str(x0(i)) '
' num2str(f0(i))])
options=optimset('Display','final','MaxIter',10000,'MaxFunEvals',100000 );
disp('variable at the solution');
disp(' variable value function value');
for i=1:size(x0,2);
disp([' x' int2str(i) ' ' num2str(real(xsolv(i))) '
' num2str(fsolv(i))])
and I get the output like this:...
variable values at the initial estimate
variabel value function value
x1 0.5 -6.9093
x2 0.5 -7.9093
x3 0.5 -401.4022
x4 0.1 -221.3378
x5 0.3 -190.5871
x6 0.1 -19.1757
x7 1 0.93
x8 1 0.4
x9 1 0.15
No solution found.
fsolve stopped because the relative size of the current step is less than the
default value of the step size tolerance squared, but the vector of function values
is not near zero as measured by the default value of the function tolerance.
variable at the solution
variable value function value
x1 -0.50911 141.9083+20.19014i
x2 -0.51078 140.6942+20.19014i
x3 0.93946 -245.9691
x4 0.64581 -59.1916
x5 0.45233 -38.0249
x6 -1.0177 145.0134+20.19014i
x7 1.2029 -4.4675
x8 1.1708 -1.1367
x9 2.4567 -1.1701
I get wrong result, I think. because I have negative result,.. ald also, maybe I do a mistake to take the initial point.
can you help me, what must I do?
Torsten on 16 Jul 2015
You won't get negative values for your variables if you solve in variables squared, e.g. set nH2 = x(1)^2 instead of nH2 = x(1) (same for the other molar masses).
You won't get complex values for your variables if you take exp of your equations. Thus instead of solving ln(a)=b, solve a=exp(b).
Best wishes

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