Legend from two axes in a loop

2 views (last 30 days)
dlyman on 15 Jul 2015
Commented: dlyman on 15 Jul 2015
I have constructed a plot with 2 axes for creating charge/discharge hysteresis. The primary axes contains all discharge curves and secondary has all charge curves. To allow multiple cell comparisons these curves are creating in a loop as shown below.
axis([0 xmax 2 4.4])
xlabel('Capacity mAh/cm2');
ax1 = gca;
ax1_pos = ax1.Position;
ax1.XColor = 'r';
ax1.YColor = 'r';
for file_num = 1:files
dline{file_num} = line(d_cap_area{file_num},d_volt{file_num});
dline{file_num}.LineStyle = ls1;
dline{file_num}.Color = color{file_num};
dline{file_num}.Marker = mark{file_num};
ax2 = axes('Position',ax1_pos,'XAxisLocation','top','YAxisLocation','right','Color','none');
ax2.XDir = 'reverse';
linkaxes([ax1 ax2],'y');
for file_num = 1:files
cline{file_num} = line(c_cap_area{file_num},flipud(c_volt{file_num}));
cline{file_num}.LineStyle = ls2;
cline{file_num}.Color = color{file_num};
cline{file_num}.Marker = mark{file_num};
ax1.YLim = [2 4.6];
ax1.YTick = [2:0.25:4.6];
ax2.YTick = [2:0.25:4.6];
After a user prompt comes up to name all cells (give them their labels) this is also done in a loop to account for whether you have 2 cells or 100 cells.
%label selection%
for file_num = 1:files
prompt = {['Cell Name ' num2str(file_num)]};
dlg_title = 'Input';
answer = inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title);
cd = 'Discharge';
cc = 'Charge';
d_label{file_num} = [answer{1} cd];
c_label{file_num} = [answer{1} cc];
prompt = {'Graph Title'};
dlg_title = 'Input';
answer = inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title);
Now I need to make the legend. In the past, when I was comparing a set number of cells I used the following, but I need the legend to adjust with the number of cells. Can I use a loop to build a legend or create a legend using an array of the line data and label data?
LEGH = legend([dline1 dline2 dline3 cline1 cline2 cline3],d_label,d_label2,d_label3,c_label,c_label2,c_label3,'Location','SouthWest');
  1 Comment
dlyman on 15 Jul 2015
Nevermind. I got it figured out. I was over complicating things by putting all my lines in an array rather than doing it as a vector. Looking at the actual command lines for the legend command was able to get my line handles in a vector and strings in array and get it working.

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