Two dimensional weight function for curve fitting

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi! I'm fitting a matrix with a normal distribution using curve fitting toolbox. I want to add a weight function. Unfortunatly, I have found manuals only for 1-d weight function. I have a 2xN array with weight for X an Y (wts)
gauss2 = fittype( @(a1, sigmax, sigmay, x0,y0, x, y) a1*exp(-(x-x0).^2/(2*sigmax^2)-(y-y0).^2/(2*sigmay^2)),...
'independent', {'x', 'y'},'dependent', 'z' );
wsf = fit([X,Y],double(Z),gauss2,opts);
And I get an error
Error using curvefit.basefitoptions/set
Matrix must be column or row vector.
Any ideas how to make a two dimensional weight function for curve fitting?

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